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Not Mine But Nice Fish Anyway

allen glover

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whilst having a less than productive day at the social I watched these guys pull this croc in from the rail bridge

specs were 89cm caugth on a butterflied tailor

ufortunately I suspect it didnt go back. But hey weekend danglers are allowed there short comings on a trophy like that


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Nice lizard - its a pity to see so many that size hit the Parsley Bay cleaning tables from now through to May.

I think that Beefaman's white shoe brigade got it right when big breeders like that MUST be returned to the briney. A lesson for NSW to follow!

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we do have a 1 only dusky over 70cm limit! which to me aint to shabby considering a fish like that is an out and out trophy for most danglers. Only serious lizard fishos would even have a remote chance of catching more than 1 fish like that a trip. And if they're that good they should know the reasons why they need to return them

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