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Other Passion(s) !


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Hey Raiders,

Some of you know that I am passionate about many things in life - probably just as much as I am about my boating.  Thought I'd share this. Relates to my skiing passion. 

It's my life time goal to be just 5% as good as this guy. Enjoy !   Cheers Zoran


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One tiny little slip up and he would be history. Months of work and preparation would have gone into every sequence of the filming and to be that good would be a lifetime of practice.

Amazing footage and thanks for sharing, I couldn't just watch it once .


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20 hours ago, frankS said:

One tiny little slip up and he would be history. Months of work and preparation would have gone into every sequence of the filming and to be that good would be a lifetime of practice.

Amazing footage and thanks for sharing, I couldn't just watch it once .


Thanks Frank, I could not agree more - meticulous in every aspect.  I have watched it many times!

14 hours ago, fragmeister said:

Unbelievable!,,, I have enough trouble skiing on snow!

Thanks @fragmeister... gives us something to aspire to eh! .... I'm aiming for 5% and I'd be sweet.



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