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A bad time to donut.


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Hi Raiders,

Not a report because today it just didn't happen. I organised to take out a couple of young guys from work to chase Blackfish. I sourced the weed,  got all the gear set up, and they turned up at the wrong spot. A quick phone call and we were back on track.

I started getting touches but no good downs, the boys turn up and it's the same result NOTHING.

Then who should show up...... Tetsuya Wakuda, the famous chef from Tetsuyas restaurant. I recognised him straight away, I've seen him on TV and have a fishing video from a Sydney guide that features him. He loves his fishing and we started chatting about Blackfish, fun to catch, good eating etc.

I had a spare rod, if the spot was firing we could have fished together, cooked up the catch at his restaurant, exchanged recipes, he'd be ringing me up wanting to go out again, I'd introduce him around, we'd be mates. Alas, the bromance just wasn't to be. Haha.

Im sure it happens to all of us.

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