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Weekend 19-20th

Guest madsmc

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After stagnating for the last few weekends sticking around the same spots, I decided to try a different location for a change. Kicked off the day at 6:30am on the southern entrance at Swansea (Lake Macquarie). It was fairly crowded where I had originally intended to go, but the small breakwall was almost deserted.

The only question was which lure to use?

Spent a few minutes rigging up and eventually decided on a Squidgy Fish in Drop Bear colours. I've had these for some time, but never had success with them prior to this. Walked out onto the small breakwall, passing by another fisherman who had two lines set, presumably for jew, and was kicking back enjoying a coffee.

The tide was running in at a fair pace so there were plenty of cast and drifts involved. I kept moving further out to the end of the wall after working an area over, and about halfway out I felt a good hit. A short struggle later sees this small flounder up on the rocks. My first flounder on plastics!

After a quick inspection and photo, it went back to fight another day. Strike one for the plastic!

I stayed in the same spot for a few more casts, and was having one last cast before moving further on when, out of the corner of my eye, a small baitfish skipped across the surface. As quick as I could I got the lure back in and cast straight in front of me to drift to the left. A second or two of drop time, one jig, and crack! No nibble nibble for this fish, it was hungry! A longer fight this time, with one good run mid way through, and I have the pleasure of landing this beauty.

This is a new PB for me of 32cm to the tip. Previously it was 28cm, but that's old news now.

A quick dehook and photo, then old mate goes back to chasing those baitfish. Strike two for the plastic!

By this stage there's a tiny split and a few teeth marks in the fish, but I decided it was good for another go. Moved a bit further along the wall, and continued the cast and drift routine. Once again, after a few drifts another good hit. This fish puts up a very solid fight. Several good runs, a couple of them including the sound we all know and love, a singing drag! It started to make me wonder if it might have been a small jew the way it carried on, but I think the current was helping the fish put the wood on me. Eventually, this respectable flathead joined me on the wall.

The tape is a bit askew in this shot, as my hands were shaking a bit from the adrenalin surge from fighting the fish. It evens out to 53cm, and is also a new PB for yours truly. I have hooked a bigger flathead in the past but failed to land it before the leader gave way.

These three fish where all caught and released in the space of about 45 mins, and I have to say it's the best session of fishing I've had in quite a while. One first species on plastic (flounder) and two new PB's, all on the one plastic!

Needless to say the Squidgy fish is now cactus, but I think I'll hang onto it for good luck. I'll definitely be visiting the local to pick up another packet. It just goes to show that a lure you think is bogus can turn around and completely surprise you. It certainly did for me! :thumbup:

Tried another two spots on the way home, Coon Island and Swan Bay, but no takers. I tried my last Drop B Bear Squidgy fish but only managed to have the tail removed, most likely the work of a small chopper.

Early Sunday morning saw myself and two mates at Stockton Beach, hopefully for a few tailor and sambo's. Started off just after 5am out in front of the Mental Home, with ganged pillies for bait.

I managed a small flathead after about an hour. He was just over the legal length, and had taken the gangs deep, so I kept him for dinner. Todd managed to connect with a good tailor around the 60-65cm mark, with Paul bringing up the tail on a duck.

The two crews on either side of us managed to hook up on some good sized sambo's, one of them seemed to be a pretty hefty fish but managed to dehook itself. The wind and seaweed were a bit painful, but I'm glad I ended up with a fish for tea.

It's been a while since I've been for a beach session but I'll definitely be back for a few more, especially now that I know the special entrance to get further up the beach than the normal car park, without the massive walk.

Can't wait for next weekend. :biggrin2:



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Well done mate.

It appears that the great name ( I love the name myslef ) DROP BEAR is gaining a following. The drop bear colour is one of the top sp colours up in the tropics for barra's, toga's, jacks and fingers.

Well done again.



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Thanks for the raps guys, I still get excited thinking back to that morning. Might have to sneak down there again this weekend.

Looking forward to that weekend session George. Let me know when you're up. :biggrin2: I usually do the lone ranger bit, so it will be good to have some company for a change.

Ken, I reckon I'll be keeping the next (hopefully bigger) flounder for a feed, from what I've heard they're even better than flathead. What's the best way to cook them, whole or filleted, fried or baked?

Grant, next time I'm up the beach I'll call in a get you out on day release for a fish. :biggrin2::1prop: It's definately a strange place to be at that time of the morning, very eerie.

Waz, hope your feeling better mate. Unfortunately no swedish lasses turned out on the day. :thumbdown:

I reckon you'll be back into the fish in no time, at least it's not a wrist injury this time, so you'll be able to cast without any problems :biggrin2:

I've got a big rap on the drop bears now. I was having a read last night about lure colours, and lures with red head and white bodies seem to be pretty regular fish takers. That's probably why the drop bear colour scheme is in the range.

Strange name though, I wonder if Starlo and Bushy came up with that one over a few sherbets late one night.

I think I'll expand my selection with a few of the larger models as well, see if I can tempt a breakwall Jew over the coming months. :thumbup:



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