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Mud Crab in Roseville Bridge midnight and morning in late March


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I forgot the date, but it was late March, the day was not raining.

I caught a 35cm bream on chicken breast on #1 circle hook, no sinker, super light line. The time was 10pm.

I found a few expired chicken breast in the fridge and thought why not use it for fishing. I cut chicken breast slices, put it on the circle hook, the meat covers the whole hook. Chicken breast is very heavy, I can cast the bait right under the pylon without a sinker.

The bream just swallowed the hook, no small bites, just a heavy sudden pull, almost pulled the rode into the water.



It was very quiet after the Bream, so I changed to Jackall floating HB lure (Dark green). I cast the lure under the bridge light, slowly rolling back. A few minutes later, a 32cm ocean perch bite the lure.



That's it for that night. I headed home to prepare some bait for the second day morning.

Here is my favourite bait: Quality prawn (from seafood shop, not bait shop). I cut the prawn head, collect the brain juice, cut the prawn into small chunks, soaking the prawn chunk with prawn brain juice, put into the fridge for overnight.

On the morning, I headed to the same position (under the bridge), I used the same setting (#1 circle hook with super light line) with the juicy prawn meat. Almost caught two large breams, but the line was cut by oyster twice.

While I was so frustrated, I saw a large mud crab swimming near the shore, so I dropped a prawn bait in front of him, he slowly eats the prawn and Got HIM! but he was too heavy, and the line nagged on oyster again, I had to get into the water to put the crab into the bucket.

It was a 1.5kg Mud Crab.





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3 hours ago, JimC said:

Surely any infected prawns should be taken off the market

This from NSW DPI site

What you can do to help prevent the spread of White Spot Disease

Information for recreational fishers and members of the public

  • never use prawns intended for human consumption as bait. When fishing, always source your bait from a trusted bait supplier, for example, from a tackle shop




Edited by nutsaboutfishing
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