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Ramsgate Beach Kingies


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The king fish are firing up today at Ramsgate Beach landbased. I am so busy trying to catch a kingie with my lure, i didn't bother catching any blackfish. The little trevallies had turn up today, even a few yellowtail scad. I had no luck with any of my lures. Caught a pike and a flathead(just legal but couldn't land it) with the soft lure. Then something bite the tails off 2 of my soft lures so i switch to hard lure - no luck after that. The dude next to me already caught 3 kingies before i left. The kingies is easy, but catching the yellowtail is hard. If you have a yellowtail, you are almost guarantee a kingie within 5 minutes - it is that good! No keepers though, all 3 kingies are around 60cm. You win some and you lose some?! Well... at least i got a pike to take home. I am a keeper fisho, so as long as got something to take home, i am happy otherwise there is always a next time. Sorry no picture.

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