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Wet Arse And Plenty Of Fish


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Headed out on the larry lonsome this morning and was greated by horizontal rain and grey skys. Hit the ramp at 5.30 and with baits lures and rods sorted out I was ready to go. Briefly stopped of at clontarf for some live baits and a squid then headeded out to the wild blue, intersetingly there were a good amount of gars with the yakkas. As a few might know, me and Mark D had hit a honey hole a few weeks earlier. I had ago at the same hole the previous weekend and after hooking a couple of kings I was muscled out by some spearos, this time I had it all to myself. With four trolling rods out I did a pass over the special spot and immediatly two rods sung. Pulling out to sea I managed to manhandle a 65cm king to the boat using elphant gun tackle. I was not so lucky with the other one as it not only continued on its joruney to the hidden reef but proceded to tangle all the other lines. Lesson learnt - DONT BITE OF MORE THAN YOU CAN HANDLE BY YOURSELF. Only two lines were put back out with both me and the kings given even money odds with the lighter gear. Over the next couple of hours i landed 4 more great kings and dropped a whole heap more plus had fun jigging them and live baiting. It was a great chance to try different techniquies and experiment. The kings got bored after a few hours so I kept the next one for the table and thought of heading back in when the rod buckled over again. There was a lot of weight to the fish but I could feel it comming up for air and therefore assumed salmon but upon seeing my quarry relised id hooked a monster greenback that went 54cm. The fish was dispatched, another run started and quickly the rod buckled over again this fish was even bigger and after a ten minute fight a tailor of great propotions came in. Now Im not talking Shark bay great but impresive for Sydney going 66 to the fork. The day was puncuated by a smattering of Sergent Bakers and other odd balls. The kings and chopers made a great day out of a misreable one. Pretty hot fishing on a cold day. There are also big schools of greenbacks around nth Head so get out there boys, will post photos tomorrow



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:1badmood: Hi Phild.I too went out at the break of day,i put in at Brooklyn,headed to west head and got some live Y. Tail.went out to 40 mtr. east of the Joey. put the Y.T. down and watched a stream of fish on the sounder,but not a touch,when i reeled the Y.T. in one was missing the other was mangled up and i never felt a thing,it was like a bloody washing machine out there for tinnies.coming back in at Lion Island the warning for something went off,the noise was coming from the hand control for forward and reverse,the first thing i thought of was the water pump but it was working fine ,so i came back very steady,and now will have to try to work out what alarm is situated in the forward reverse power trim box. ANY ideas chaps.It,s a poor report for fishing ,but very well done Phild, there would appear to be a lot more King fish down your way than up here at Broken Bay.Probably fishing skills come into it as well.Ha.Ha. :beersmile:
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G Day Ben, mate it sounds good in retrospect but there was certinally some moments out there today that I asked my self why the ---- was I out here. Every line seemed to get tangled at some stage, trying to get stuborn hooks out of mouths while trying to steer a boat and not fall off. It was a challanging day for me but well worth it. Dan I think your right I tried MH a week back and have consisntly hit it since september the kings are there but hard work even though the waters a good 2' warmer up there and full of bait and squid

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Sorry Phil,

didn't see this thread before I responded to another.

Top effort mate. ALL BY YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!! :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

Hope you left some for me tomorrow. I've got fellow raider Weasel driving all the way from Merriwa to get on to a few.

You said you'd get some today and don't you love it when a plan comes together!!!!!!!!1



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that beeping sound is either a low oil alarm or over heat not really alot else it could be...


i had the same beeping sound coming from my throttle control too, as Dan said it turned out to be an oil warning (gear oil, $15 bucks and sorted)

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:05: Thanks to/ May Be NOT and Jewnut.It was raining very heavy when i got home so have not had time to check anything out,but will definetly check the oil,the water was pumping out well and felt very good and cool so im hoping it will be the gear oil i never thought of that so thanks again,there is always some help on fishraider :beersmile: Ben.
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Hi Phill,

What a great effort!!!! If you go out often on Firdays we should try to go out one morning on the one boat instead of both going out solo we can just take one boat which would cut costs and probably be a lot easier than navigating a boat and pulling in fish solo.

Once again Top Effort Mate!!! :1clap:

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Hi Phill,

What a great effort!!!! If you go out often on Firdays we should try to go out one morning on the one boat instead of both going out solo we can just take one boat which would cut costs and probably be a lot easier than navigating a boat and pulling in fish solo.

Once again Top Effort Mate!!! :1clap:

James out every second Friday mate your always welcome to come along just PM me for more details. Have tried to submit the photos but cant seem to get them to come up as usual.

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