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Newbie Fishing Spots Sydney


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Hey guys,

I'm a new fisherman and am currently struggling to catch a single fish. My goal before the new year is to just catch one fish haha, hopefully a salmon or jewfish :ppp

I've fished at Captain Cooks Bridge, Chipping Norton River and Cronulla Beach but haven't caught anything.

If you guys could let me know of any spots in Sydney, techniques or anything of the sort I'd be very grateful.

Edited by Vexx
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Try a fishing  charter very informative and will probably catch a fish. Next best option a mate who fishes willing to show you the ropes. Then a fishing club. or visa versa. Remember you are going to hook a live animal (fish) catch and release or kill?


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16 hours ago, onearmedfisho said:

mate start off with some bread and butter species like bream or flathead. If you go to any of the wharves in the georges river etc and use prawn with a small hook and sinker you should get a few

Yep start of with small steps is the way to go.

@Vexx, there is plenty of information in here on locations & techniques if you are willing to do the work in researching by using the search tab.

Getting knowledge on a specific species, their habitat & what they will take(bait or lures/SP's etc) & what lines/rigs etc will help you greatly.

Some similar type posts-


People who don't  fish think you just put a bit of bait on a hook, throw it in the water & hey presto you get fish.

What they don't understand is the work & time it takes learning & refining how you fish to suit conditions & your target!


Good luck

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