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Swains Reef


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Hi Guys and Girls,

I'm a new member to Fishraider and have been very impressed by the amount of information you guys are willing to share. 

I'm based in Newcastle and do a lot of my fishing on Lake Mac, the Hunter river and landbased for Flatty, Whiting, and Jewwies. I have been lucky enough to be invited on a 7 day fishing trip to the Swains Reef in May aboard Easter Voyager. Given the fish up there are slightly larger (and meaner) than what I'm usually targetting I am having to upsize my gear, lures and tackle. I'm not exactly rolling in cash so I haven't been able to go too crazy but I have bought myself the following

Set up 1 - Saragossa 10000 on a T curve stickbait rod spooled with PE8 Jbraid (for topwater popping and stickbaits) 

Set up 2 - Saragossa 6000 on a Smith amberjack special spooled with PE5 JBraid (for soft vibes and plastics on the flats)

Set up 3 - Accurate Boss overhead on T Curve heavy jigrod with 60lb jigman braid (For trolling/ bottom bashing and jigging)

I also have my lighter snapper set up (stella 4000 on a 4-12lb samaki rod) but I'm thinking it might be a bit light??

I have also picked up a selection of large poppers/stickbaits, smaller nomad design lure lures (madscads/riptides/Chug Norris poppers 110mm - 190mm) and zerek fish traps (95mm and 110mm)

I have also got a large selection of knife jigs that i use jigging for kings near home...

I have read through the couple of reports from swains that have been posted on here (thanks Chappo and John Dory) but I was wondering if anyone had been out there (or on a similar trip) that would be able to help me with any other gear I'm likely to use and most of all the amount of gear. I have no idea how much gear I'm going to lose. I don;t want to spend a fortune on gear I don't need but at the same time don't want to get caught short.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

Bolts (Tony)

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1 hour ago, Bolts1 said:

Thanks Kingie Chaser.. I missed this post in my search.. just need to search "Swains" no "Swain" lol

All good mate,  I had to look back through my history to find it as well but remembered the thread as I know I had posted in it.

Hope you get something out of it anyway :biggrinthumb:

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A lot of people selling second hand lures online. Gumtree, ebay & facebook. Take a look in there.

You'll probably need a lot as good chances are you'll lose a fair bit but all depends as each trip is different for different people.

And then you can probably resell if not used or you don't see yourself having a need for them. Quiet a lot of people do that from what I can see. Buy gear and lures for a trip only to not needing them but at the same time they're not caught short on tackle.

If anything change the hooks on the lures if you think condition isn't all that great. Wouldn't want to lose a fish due to laziness or being cheap on hooks after spending the large amounts on other areas.

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Thanks guys great advice :) I’ve already bought three lots of lures from gumtree and didn’t twig that the guys were probably doing exactly what I will be doing after my trip lol. Started counting down the days now.. can’t wait to catch my first trout on the surface

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