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What is you'r best fishing story?

James  Clain

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Most extreme, strangest or rarest experience you have encountered while fishing maybe it was catching a Dollie in lake mac or catching fifty, 30kg jewfish in a day. Tell us your best or maybe your worst experiences!

Edited by James Clain
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50 x 30kg jewies in a day....I recall something like that being on the front page of the Fishing News paper when I was young(late 1970's?) from off one of the NSW mid north coast river walls. They hired a refigerated van to take the catch home ...........


Edited by jot
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I have posted this before (I think) but, back in the early '80s it was common to anchor up early on our Kingfish spot and fish for Yellowtail before live baiting, as soon as we caught one, it would go straight back on our game gear, one morning, I had one out and kept bait fishing to put some in the tank, I hooked one, pulled it up, and it was the one I had as my live bait, complete with big hook in his back, and fairly hooked in the mouth with my bait line!

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I remember some time ago I arrived at Waratah Bay to fish for Hairtail, I arrived late as I was fishing further up the creek for Bream and having some success. Anyhow I got into the bay and all the usual spots were taken up by anchored boats, I pulled up on the opposite side of the bay to what I normally fish and pulled out a decent sized bream from my keeper tank, hooked it through the mouth and cunningly lowered it over the side of the boat. Waited a few moments and then proceeded to make out like I had just hooked the fish, made an awful racket to insure the other boats would notice my capture and played the Bream back to the boat and netted it.

Within minutes 3 of the anchored boats up anchored and proceeded to come over to my side of the bay.

I then motored over and anchored in my favorite position for the night's fishing.


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Years ago when I was teaching my daughters to fish, I took them out in my boat. My eldest caught an octopus inside a glass bottle and my next daughter caught half a bream. A tailor chopped it on the way in.

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1 hour ago, frankS said:

I remember some time ago I arrived at Waratah Bay to fish for Hairtail, I arrived late as I was fishing further up the creek for Bream and having some success. Anyhow I got into the bay and all the usual spots were taken up by anchored boats, I pulled up on the opposite side of the bay to what I normally fish and pulled out a decent sized bream from my keeper tank, hooked it through the mouth and cunningly lowered it over the side of the boat. Waited a few moments and then proceeded to make out like I had just hooked the fish, made an awful racket to insure the other boats would notice my capture and played the Bream back to the boat and netted it.

Within minutes 3 of the anchored boats up anchored and proceeded to come over to my side of the bay.

I then motored over and anchored in my favorite position for the night's fishing.


Back in my old Kingfish catching days, there was a spot we fished that used to get crowded every time the Kings were on, I don't know how many people used to ask me to let them know when there was some around, sure I used to say, but think to my self, "I don't mind getting out of bed before daylight, having fishless days until they come on, then tell you" but, because I had fished this spot for years, I knew there was only a minimal area that was really productive, I had some very accurate night marks for it, and with my sounder I could get right on it (no GPS back then)  at times, my mate and I (he knew the spot well too) would be the only ones catching fish, while everyone else tried to anchor close to us, it was common to lose good fish on anchor ropes.

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