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There goes another one....thankfully......1


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Living at Sussex Inlet I fish the Basin and estuary. A couple of weeks back I was drifting in the Basin when I felt a flathead take the bait. The usual dead weight followed by the intermittent heavy shaking. I knew it was a big one because I had trouble getting it off the bottom. Eventually it slowly gave way and then suddenly took off. Luckily the hook pulled out. I would have liked to have seen it but I doubt whether I could have scooped  it one handed and get it into the boat. So I am glad the fish got away. Today, a similar thing happened. Hugh dead weight with the occasional shake. This one was huge because my spinning rod was totally loaded and I couldn't get it unstuck off the bottom. It decided to run about 3-4 meters then settle on the bottom again. So here am I with a monster lizzard stuck on the bottom and my poor rod tied in knots, and I still couldn't get it to rise. Oh well, one last lift on the rod and the line let go. At least I know of two breaders in the basin, both very large. I would have liked a photo but alas, no sighting of either. I always say that any fish that can get away from is either lucky or I fouled up somewhere. In this case I knew I was using old line.. Jim

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Sussex Inlet .. love that place .. Spent many younger years during May holidays when they had fishing comp. Caught many big tailor in the basin, lot of blackfish, and list goes on .. all good times getting around in the old putt putt supplied with the accommodation 🙂 . Been back in recent years and still love the place. 

Big flathead .. as you say at least you know they are there .. just keep trying .. good luck and enjoy. 

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How many kilos of pressure are you applying and the line breaks?

You might have to upgrade to 200lb braid to lift those buggers!

I've never caught a flattie bigger than 75cm so I can't say I have seen them stick to the bottom like that.


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It just sat on the bottom and when I applied pressure to try to get it to come up it just shook its head and stayed on the bottom. I am one of those who fish light and if a big fish wants to run I just hold as bit of pressure and let it. O well, if it was as big as it felt I didn't want to catch it anyway

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I feel your pain Jim, I got my close to a metre flathead into the enviro net(well the 3rd that would fit in) before it fell out & while I was bringing it around for another go it spat the SP & she sailed back to the bottom.

That's the perils of fishing solo although not I take my larger net with me as well.

At least I got to see her even though I didn't boat her.

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