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Ok couldn’t resist went out today yes very slow trip but no dramas  offshore looked like a pond so went a few hundred meters offshore but current was fast couldn’t hold bottom caught a tailor so went into west head try for a jew nothing at all tried to pull anchor no good tried motoring to pull it snapped off will be happy to be back at work bugger

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FoOk couldn’t resist went out today yes very slow trip but no dramas  offshore looked like a pond so went a few hundred meters offshore but current was fast couldn’t hold bottom caught a tailor so went into west head try for a jew nothing at all tried to pull anchor no good tried motoring to pull it snapped off will be happy to be back at work bugger

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1 minute ago, Fun2fish said:

FoOk couldn’t resist went out today yes very slow trip but no dramas  offshore looked like a pond so went a few hundred meters offshore but current was fast couldn’t hold bottom caught a tailor so went into west head try for a jew nothing at all tried to pull anchor no good tried motoring to pull it snapped off will be happy to be back at work bugger


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Forgot my rant got back to ramp to encounter 2 locals talking about 1 guys motor .next to them was A few large branches closest to pontoon they had used middle of ramp so to avoid them . I tied up and walked up next to them they were still talking about motor upgrade when i  carried  3large branches out of the way  are people so f kin stupid and lazy now

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