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Yabby pumping at Port Macquarie and Coffs Harbour


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Hi all, am planning for my trip up to Port Macquarie and Coffs Harbour and was wondering if anyone could share some location that is easily accessible landbased and relatively safe that I can take the kids. I couldnt see any obvious flats next to land on google map but did only find a post that says there are flats near the bridge at park street at Port Macquarie but again couldn't see any obvious flats on google map. Thanks guys!

Edited by Gengar
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  • Gengar changed the title to Yabby pumping at Port Macquarie and Coffs Harbour

Port Macquarie there's flats at settlement point and Lake Cathie that are easily accessible 

Coffs Harbour there's the flats at coffs creek near dolphin marine magic, you coukd also go down the highway to valla beach near the reserve there's endless flats you can easily accesd

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9 hours ago, dirvin21 said:

Port Macquarie there's flats at settlement point and Lake Cathie that are easily accessible 

Coffs Harbour there's the flats at coffs creek near dolphin marine magic, you coukd also go down the highway to valla beach near the reserve there's endless flats you can easily accesd

Cheers, thanks for sharing! I only have a few days so great that I have the places pinned down.

For settlement point, do you mean at Settlement Point Reserve just past the ferry?

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