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Tr200g - what to do with?


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Quite a few years ago, I bough a shimano fishquest combo 4-8kg with a tr200g overhead reel, I have ot spooled with 20lbs mono.

I was wondering what should I do with it? Like ive used it 2 times, once for carp just to get a fish on it and one for flathead, ended up with a squid. 

I was thinking about turning into a bottom bashing setup? 

or maybe light jigging?

Light trolling - its made for this? - im only in a kayak tho

maybe just stray lines? 

Or should I just sell it? 

Would I need to respool it? If so what shoudl I put on it?

I really would like to use it as its just sitting gathering dust and now with the kayak, I guess I have a use for it but I really don't know, if I have to slim down my gear for a trip, its all ways the first to go.

Any ideas would be great. 

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Unfortunately trying to sell anything these days you might as well hang onto it. You can buy them for $100 new and if you ask 1/2 new price for anything these days you are told it's too dear being second hand and people want it less than 1/3 new prices, so to sell it for $30 you might as well let it gather dust till you find a use for it.


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You could spool it up with some 6kg braid and use it for throwing 100mm plus plastics and jig heads around 10 grams for flathead.

I use a similar weight rod with a 5600 ABU baitcaster for this purpose and and its a good, fun outfit to throw when you're tired of using a spin reel.

As @frankSsaid, you'll get bugger all for it if you decide to sell, so keep it.

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19 hours ago, frankS said:

Unfortunately trying to sell anything these days you might as well hang onto it. You can buy them for $100 new and if you ask 1/2 new price for anything these days you are told it's too dear being second hand and people want it less than 1/3 new prices, so to sell it for $30 you might as well let it gather dust till you find a use for it.


Yeah. I have been selling antiques recently, been a pain. I've decided to keep it. Thanks for the advice 

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19 hours ago, Hoods said:

I had the same real years ago. It did its job well. Used it outside for bottom bashing and light trolling & in the river for live baiting. it was a great reel for the kids outside. I would keep it. Hoods

Yeah. I'm going to keep it as a stray line or bottom bashing for Jews or snapper or gummys ect. Thanks. It's good because it's portable as well, I don't want to lug my big reels everywhere 

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18 hours ago, Green Hornet said:

You could spool it up with some 6kg braid and use it for throwing 100mm plus plastics and jig heads around 10 grams for flathead.

I use a similar weight rod with a 5600 ABU baitcaster for this purpose and and its a good, fun outfit to throw when you're tired of using a spin reel.

As @frankSsaid, you'll get bugger all for it if you decide to sell, so keep it.

Lmao, yeah, I could try it. Might troll with it though, I have 2 bait casters exactly for what you mentioned. Thanks for responding 

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