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TAILOR (8/19)



  1. A pleasant surprise Ben - well done they are tough work on light gear. You've been filling that Buckett again. I suspect you were hoping it might have been a SBT as it got closer and the telltale tuna thumps!! Reports of some good snapper up this way today.
  2. Enjoy your 2 stroke - cheap to run & easy to fix. Having put a 2nd hand suzi 140 on my boat I am up to a 100 hour service and quoted $600-700. Thats $7/hr plus fuel Good luck.
  3. Well done. You were very fortunate to get outside. And congtaulations on giving a new technique a go and sticking with it. Thanks for the report and good luck next time.
  4. Crikey Ben you're on fire. You might need a bigger bucket for your list!!
  5. Yeaah thats a nice fish. And a great photo too. All in shallow water. The First Aid kit in my boat includes (comprises of) Wasabi & Soy Sauce for just this occassion. Please keep us posted.
  6. Greetings Suffer, Like everyone else I have not heard of the Seaking boats but a quick look at their website indicates they look like a Formosa or Stessl on steroids. As a price point I would expect them to be a fair bit less than an equivalent glass boat like an Eden or Haines. Do they make them local or have them imported from OS??!! Hopefully we see you up at Seal Rocks in the near future. Hoods
  7. Well done Ben - That should put some weight in your bucket!!. An exceptional capture.
  8. Ha Ha. I was joking referring to the star post in the photo!! No fishing at this end. Young fulla went out the other week and returned with some Bar Cod. Reports of some good snapper when they can get out.
  9. Thanks for the Report BN, Re the 2nd photo - I thought you weren't allowed to use "springers" anymore!!?? Must be BIG Cod in that hole....
  10. This is it - its also in Fishraider. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.facebook.com/fishflicks.tv/videos/ron-calcutt-a-fishermans-world-spinning-for-spaniards-clip/1982628561776831/&ved=2ahUKEwiD8eOBo_SGAxXisVYBHZMcD2YQtwJ6BAgREAI&usg=AOvVaw22O_BkytKX3pjWV2vXZuo5'
  11. A bit late in the season but google/utube Ron Calcutt - land based spining at HH. This time of year you are more likely to target Tailor on spinners or ganged pillies. Read hereabouts any rock fishing can be dangerous, however HHead in winter with no northerly swell is likely to be much more acceptable. Ask the local like at SWR Tackle shops for news/advice. Don't forget the beach options Good luck.
  12. Thanks for the report Rick. I love that last photo. I wonder waht the fishing was thinking - it doesn't look impressed!!
  13. Hi Donna, Thanks for the heads up. I am preparing an email for my local member (Myall Lakes). Any hints, tips or Key points? Thanks Hoods
  14. Thanks for the report. I used the new ramp upstream of the bridge. Very nice however care is required if there is an incoming tide &/or easterly wind as your boat can end up under the floating wharf. The river seems to be gatting shallower, Hope you enjoyed your flathead.
  15. Last time I was there the ramp had a lot of sand & needed a decent vehicle (4WD) to launch/retreive - was some time ago. Agree re the island for kingies. No marks or ideas for wider out but it is very popular. Would suggest trolling out around the headland also but respect the LBG fishos if they are there - maybe go around the corner. The weather has been poor lately and not much offshore fishing/reports. Have a look at the water current/temps. We were just discusing today that it is now Snapper season - SP's etc in the shallower to mid reefs. Heard of snapper off the rocks further south over the weekend. Have a great trip
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