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Fishing info


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Hey guys I’m bringing my family to windang first time I have been back in twenty years we will be there mid end of January just wondering if prawning will be any good the and what’s the best pier fishing spots also are those little knipper things still about if so any rules on getting them 

Edited by Grizzly88
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The Prawns in the lake are tiny, and not many of them, plenty of shore based fishing spots, not too sure about the "knipper" bit, maybe you mean Pink Nippers for bait? if so, bring a pump, there is plenty around. The beaches are OK for Whiting at the moment too, beach worms for bait.

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Just a thought, will you have a boat or something? It will be prime crab time then, and a nice feed of Blue Swimmers always goes down well! During summer, the tackle shop on the western side of the road has hire boats if you don't have your own, reasonable rates and lots of fun. Just remember, no traps in the main channel if you do go crabbing.

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