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Berowra Waters - At last


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Location- Berowra Waters Berowra side

Time - 8-10am

Tide - Runout tide, started 1.5 hours after High tide


I've been trying early fishing during holidays but not having much luck at Bobbin Head. 

I thought I'll wait til a bit later(instead of 6am) and try Berowra. My plan was actually to chill a bit and run some lures but no success was had with that. 

Eventually, I switched to bait with size 6 long shanks but kept having bait taken. To avoid frustration, I switched to circle hooks. 

Eventually, Something worked and I caught a baby tailor and a big tailor just undersized(26cm) then the legal limit. 

Caught on weightless, circle hooks on squid bait. The area is a little like bush bashing with rock ledges as seating over the berowra creek. Easy to lose lures but I suppose stealthy and worthwhile too.




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Tailor at that size are fun. Well done.

At the boat ramp park try fishing some cheap white bread squeezed onto a very small hook (say size 10), about 20-30cm under the surface. You’ll find abundant mullet and garfish. Down deeper, say 1-1.5m, you’ll find good bream. Good opportunity to learn how to rig up a float.

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6 hours ago, Little_Flatty said:

Tailor at that size are fun. Well done.

At the boat ramp park try fishing some cheap white bread squeezed onto a very small hook (say size 10), about 20-30cm under the surface. You’ll find abundant mullet and garfish. Down deeper, say 1-1.5m, you’ll find good bream. Good opportunity to learn how to rig up a float.

You can catch bream with size 10 hook?

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16 minutes ago, HawkesburyParadise said:

You can catch bream with size 10 hook?

I certainly have while targeting the garfish and mullet. That said you do need to go easy on them otherwise the hook might pull. When I am at Berowra, I use 1kg mono, so I need to do this anyway. I find I get more bites and can cast further this way, but I have a heck of a fight on my hands if one of the bigger mullet or bream take my bait (this has happened and is seriously good fun).

If you want to target bream specifically, then set the bait deeper (e.g. 1-1.5m) and use a larger hook (say size 4). However, this will preclude you from catching any of the garfish, which are far tastier than the bream.

As the saying goes, you can catch a big fish on a little hook but not a little fish on a big hook.

Edited by Little_Flatty
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