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Lord Howe Hints and Tips


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Hello everyone, I am a few months shy of my 60th birthday. I am thinking of a fishing trip to Lord Howe. I would really be thankful for any of the latest lowdown in terms of costs, best charters, times of year to go (I am thinking April) and good value for money places to stay. Its likely there will be two of us, me and my son.

Thanks in Advance

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I was last there in May, 1983 (so a little while ago 🤣), therefore I cannot tell you about recent costs, charters or accommodation.

The kingfish had been off the bite, then returned with a vengance on the charter trip out near Balls Pyramid. Looking over the boat, if you did not like the size of the one near your bait, just pull it away so a bigger one could have a go. Don't think it will be like that anymore.

Fishing can also be done in the Gulch, but that involves a hike over a small mountain to the north of the island. I caught good sized silver drummer there on floating bread crusts (obtained from the lodge I was staying in). Kingies also turn up at times, but you will need heavy line and a gaff to haul them up.

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I was there about 11 years after @Yowie (still a while ago!) and it's an experience for sure. I have no recollection of the time of the year or any of the other details, all I remember was having a great time!

For starters, bring some gear with you. The garfish off the wharf are really something, as are the silver drummer.  If you're very lucky, you might catch a painted block wrasse. You can also catch sharks (I got one). If you can still do it, get a guide to take you out on the lagoon to catch a double header - that is one experience which you won't be able to do anywhere else. I never got to go offshore, nor do I ever fish off the rocks, but I have heard that the fishing is amazing out there.

I'm not sure about the good value places to stay, I think it is one of those places where it is hard to go without spending quite a sum of money, starting with the exorbitant airfares.

Apart from that, leave some time to have a good look around the island. It truly is an incredible place.

Edited by Little_Flatty
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I have been twice, last time a few years ago. I found to my disappointment that the the charter boats (boat?) had already been booked out before I arrived so no ocean fishing so try to make a booking before you go. Also the weather will stop boats from going out (wind). I only bought a small rod and had a few casts off the wharf with a lure but with no success but there are fish there at times. The lagoon has all sorts of fish but you really need a boat, its quite shallow in close. I did not walk to the Gulch but that is a well known land based spot as Yowie said. 

Check out Neds Beach - hand feed monster size fish in knee deep water. Its really unbelievable. Unfortunately you can't fish there. 

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Have been and as said before it’s hard to get on a boat from bookings and some people on island don’t work according to their church beliefs book boat before accomodation but if like me and did not get on a boat I took a heap of gear and fished off the wharf and the big gulch I think it’s called and other places there are fish everywhere there best bait was bread u won’t be disappointed can’t wait to go back

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Hi Dhutchy,

My wife goes there every year, and it costs around $4,500 including flights. She is part of a group that removes weeds from the island, so she gets a group rate and there are no touristy things that add to the cost. So depending on where you stay it could be less or it could be more.

I have been there a few times and the fishing can be red-hot. Big bluefish, drummer and trevally off the wharf in the lagoon... just burley them up with bread.  It can be slow off the wharf as you need time to draw them in over the sand that lies between the reef and the wharf.   Most times I have burleyed  schools of garfish turn up, and they are great bait for the kings.

You can hire kayaks in the lagoon, so perhaps that could be an option for fishing?

The rest of the island had a lot to offer, but the rock platforms can be a little inaccessible. Clear Place Point is a popular spot on the east coast.

The last time I was at LHI there, was a double hookup on yellowfins at Clear Place. It was absolute mayhem for about 35 minutes as the two guys tried to play the fish around each other. One was lost and one was landed and from memory it ended up on the menu at the Pinetrees Resort.

I have caught some good kings at Clear Place, but I have been smoked more often than not. It seems hard not to catch jumbo sized kings ... I don't know where all the rats go!

One thing to be aware of when travelling to LHI is the likelihood of cancelled flights. The Dash 8's that fly there are small planes and the LHI Airport only has a single strip which limits landing and takeoff options.

I reckon my wife has been delayed by weather 4 times out of the last 10 trips anywhere between 1 and 3 days. So, don't plan anything a few days either side of the trip.

Also, don't rely on getting anything you desperately need in the fishing department - even if they have something you want it will be costly.

Wifi Internet is very limited - from memory you can get is at the Museum but it is very slow. There is no mobile reception and just a few public phones.

















Edited by fragmeister
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