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REDFIN - fun, fresh air and a well earned break


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Well DONNA you sure write up a great post with so much detail you should be congratulated on your posting skills and prowess as a very good fisho as well.

I always have a great time away with you and your organizational skills are second to none.

Cant wait for your next report 😍

Regards Stewy

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1 hour ago, Denisfisho said:

My favourite fish by far ! Sounds like a great trip.

I think I may have seen you do a few youtube videos with a fisher I watch, but I could be wrong 

Thanks very much. I still have to do a report on the second part of the trip MURRAY COD. 

That would be swordfisherman Stewy. He takes Shroom out on our boat to catch kingies, jewies etc

There are lots of old fishraider socials and Bali fishing ones on YouTube too. 


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