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Meeting Frank


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It nearly didn't happen... 

As excited as a kid on Christmas morning, today I eagerly awaited @frankS's arrival to our home. We had a lunch date of 12:30pm with Chicken toasties and fresh coffee on the menu. At 12:28pm I could barely contain my excitement at Frank's imminent arrival...

12:30 came and went. 12:40 and 12:50 also. I resigned myself to the fact that an arrival was not so likely at this point. With the rain and the condition of the roads, I  worried that something may have happened in transit. I lamented that I didn't have Frank's number to call and check. Not a great feeling at all.

As I sat to send a message on raiders, my phone rang. Thankfully it was Frank, and all was well. He'd made it to our street, but not quite to our house, and did not have our number on him to call. We'll call it a miscommunication. I was relieved that all was fine and Frank had arrived back home safely. Eager as I was to meet Frank, I awkwardly suggested Mr Fisherlady and I head over Frank's way, and hoped he would be agreeable to this. He was!

We jumped in the car and headed over. We were greeted warmly by Frank and Mrs Frank, who made us feel very welcomed and at home. We sat and chatted. Time flew. It was just what I didn't know I needed.

With the requirement of picking children up from school, our time enjoying Mr & Mrs Frank's company was fleeting. Mr Fisherlady enjoyed a visit to the Hallowed fishing shed, and I thoroughly enjoyed Mrs Frank's company in the kitchen. 

We offered up lunch at our home for a yet to be decided date in the near future, and reluctantly said our goodbyes. I haven't stopped smiling since. Just quietly Mr Fisherlady definitely enjoyed talking with Frank, and is sporting a happy grin also. I can't wait for the next catch up!

Big thank you to the raiders site for making today possible.


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It was truly a great pleasure meeting yourself and hubby today and I do apologize for any stress I may have put you through by not coming to the correct address on time.

Don't know how I did it but I put the wrong number in my GPS . I was only 3 houses away but didn't know it.

Time went by way too quickly and there was heaps more I wanted to say and a few things I wanted to demonstrate to you both, no doubt it won't be far away when we get back together again.

Wishing you the very best with the selection of lures and hope the weather is good enough for you to try a few out.



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@frankS The pleasure is all ours. Still smiling now.

Never mind any stress, easy mistake to make, and we were just relieved to know that all was ok in the end.

We are both really looking forward to more time with yourself and Mrs FrankS. 

Thank you so much for the lures. I didn't mention them in my opening post, because the highlight of the day was meeting Mrs FrankS and yourself, and I did not want to take away from that. The lures though fantastic, pale in comparison with the pleasure of spending quality time with quality people. That said, we are very touched at your kindness and generosity.

We will be sure to let you know how our trip goes.


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Frank is a fishing legend. He has spent his entire life fishing for pretty much everything. Over the years he has acquired a stack of knowledge and experience. He has also managed, as we all do, to acquire a heap of tackle along the way. More recently he has "downsized" his fishing arsenal, but there's no downsizing his depth of knowledge or passion to help others. I look on Frank and Val as family. I have spent some time absorbing the ambiance of their back yard, where birds abound...their hospitality is fantastic. Frank is a creative genius who loves nothing more than tinkering and using his skills to solve problems, often other peoples' problems. I look forward to catching up with them in the not too distant future.


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@big Neil Agreed 100%. Sometimes you just know instantly when you have met people who are gold. Easy to see why you look upon Frank and Mrs Frank as family. I spent but moments in the yard as we pried Mr Fisherlady and @frankS apart so we were on time to pick the children up. I'm sure those two could have continued chatting happily for hours.  

I did note their backyard was tranquil, and a place you feel immediately comfortable and relaxed in. I loved the plants in particular, but did not venture off the concrete due mostly to lack of time. The birds were not about at the time, so I did not get to see that.

I also loved the location in general of their home, with the park straight across the road. We pulled into the street, and Mr Fisherlady, who was driving, began to look at house numbers. I looked ahead and said, "There". I pointed to the boat and said, "that's it, down there..." Such a lovely quiet spot right in the thick of suburbia, and boat aside, I just knew that it would be Frank's home at the quiet end of the street.

We admired Frank's woodwork also. Very nicely turned out pieces.

If you are happen to be coming up this way, please sing out. Freshly ground coffee is always available on demand, and toasties can be whipped up in a jiffy. We'd love to meet you.


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