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Another lost off the rocks at Port Kembla


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everyone who advocates banning rockfishing, compulsory lifejackets , locking up certain spots needs to be very careful of the laws of unintended consequences-ive covered this many times before but the number of rockfishing drownings is pretty small beer compared to other drownings and certainly compared to accidental deaths in general. There are a lot of folk in councils, NPWS, SUrf Lifesaving , rich waterfront property owners who would happily see fishing removed from all sorts of places-i still go back to my rules of rockfishing safety everytime-if you cant swim-DONT, if you dont understand the weather_DONT, if you dont understand safe footwear-DONT, if you are that uncoordinated that you trip over your own feet-DONT, and trust me on this-most "Aussies" cant swim well enough to save themselves in a high energy environment so dont blame certain parts of the community, education is the key-Lockouts are against every tenant of a free society.

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While I agree with what you say, education only goes so far, you can't educate everyone, you can't force someone to read a sign and comply with it, you can legislate all sorts of safety items, but, most don't care, don't listen and just fish anyway. That particular spot has a unique issue. Whether a life jacket, a bolt in the rock to tie yourself to (that has its own issues) people will continue to fish there, and sadly, continue to get washed in! I can see the location (at a distance) from my house, I have fished there, dived there, and even been near washed in there.

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1 minute ago, noelm said:

While I agree with what you say, education only goes so far, you can't educate everyone, you can't force someone to read a sign and comply with it, you can legislate all sorts of safety items, but, most don't care, don't listen and just fish anyway. That particular spot has a unique issue. Whether a life jacket, a bolt in the rock to tie yourself to (that has its own issues) people will continue to fish there, and sadly, continue to get washed in! I can see the location (at a distance) from my house, I have fished there, dived there, and even been near washed in there.

Dont disagree Noel-i think this is covered in "The Origin of Species" by Charles Darwin

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I reckon a good idea they could utilise would to introduce rock fishing seminars for people who are learning or are from different cultures and language groups so that the message can be spread, would be good to have experienced people teach others of all different demographics how to fish the rocks "safely". This being said a lot of the majority don't seem to care.. One of my mates goes on the rocks and he went on a dodgy day and he didn't even look where the water was going for 20 minutes... careless I reckon. 


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On 4/29/2022 at 1:31 PM, JamoDamo said:

I reckon a good idea they could utilise would to introduce rock fishing seminars for people who are learning or are from different cultures and language groups so that the message can be spread, would be good to have experienced people teach others of all different demographics how to fish the rocks "safely". This being said a lot of the majority don't seem to care.. One of my mates goes on the rocks and he went on a dodgy day and he didn't even look where the water was going for 20 minutes... careless I reckon. 


Randwick council held multiple seminars when mandatory life jackets were introduced. Main speaker was Alex Bellissimo and they were good!

Even gave away life jackets to attendees over 16yo.

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As said a dozen times before, 50 signs and a $1,000 fine does nothing unless its Policed, and that will never happen, it might get a bit of a "blitz" but unless it's 24/7/365 days a year, people will just ignore signs, seminars, fines, fences, life jackets, advice and common sense! I hate to keep on about it and appear so negative, but, fact is fact, this particular place is not "normal"

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On 4/27/2022 at 5:01 PM, Fab1 said:

I could solve all these people ending up in the drink simply by installing staino dynabolts with a ring into the rock so you can tie yourself off to the ring.I can promise you will never ever die!!!! (Multiple fishos could use the same ring).

  If I was a rock fisho  I'd put a few in different places to tie off to.

Kinda agree with you ... probably less lives lost over time at some locations but not a silver bullet. Apart from potential for a "false sense of security" resulting in people fishing in less than ideal conditions, being attached to a rope in moving water has its own issues, especially if your rope is longer than a few metres. You might want to attach a rescue knife to your PFD. As for multiple people using the same anchor I'd want to know they had some idea what they were doing and were not unclipping me.

Also it is bit of a slippery slope in terms of the number of anchors you could end up with (I'm talking right up and down the coast). Over time you could end up with hundreds of bolts which may not go down well with land managers. You would also end up with installation and maintenance issues ... even stainless may not be good enough. From a rock climbers perspective dynabolts don't do so well in sea cliffs, so I don't think they would be that great on rock platforms either. Alternatives might be a little more expensive and a little more difficult to place. I'm not saying it is not a good idea you would just need to put a bit of thought into where and how they were placed.

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With these anchors/post, if the Council/Government puts them in and one fails, then it's them that will be sued.

I personally think just make it compulsory for life jackets to be worn and fine them if they are not. I bet in the Eastern Suburbs these days where life jackets are compulsory for fishing off the Rock, most would be wearing life jackets, word gets around.

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22 hours ago, Burger said:

Randwick council held multiple seminars when mandatory life jackets were introduced. Main speaker was Alex Bellissimo and they were good!

Even gave away life jackets to attendees over 16yo.

Thats the education we need! I personally will always stray away from rock fishing i'd rather not risk my life for a fish... estuary fishing is my game and suits me just fine!

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The Cental Coast Council is red hot about people not wearing life jackets.

I know for a fact they went out of there way to ask the NSW Government to legislate so they could put the signs up and patrol the vatious areas.

There have been two many deaths on the Central Coast.

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