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Todays effort - 25 / 6


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Decision made to head out from Roseville at around 9am.

Hook boat up double check everything, ahh where is the Minn Kota remote, 1.5 hours later still couldn't find it. Antway found out here is an app for phone, problem solved.

Off to Roseville and the place wasn't even half full which was a surprise considering the weather. Launched, left ramp and was checked by Maritime to make sure my inflated lifejacket was in date (must be done evry 12 months, most can be self serviced).

Plan was to get some live squid, took a little while and a few changes in location, but with some squid in the tank off to chase some kingies. Went back up middle harbour and out they went. First one disappeared almost straight away but no indication on the rod. Next one was set near the bottom and was attacked by peckers straight away. Floated one out the back under a balloon for zip.

If anyone has any tips for fishing live squid I'm all ears.

Anyway at least I got out for the first time since beginning of Decemnber.

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