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I had the day off work today and decided to head out. Weather was sunny with gusty SE wind swinging to the SW by the end of the session. So not the best weather but when an opportunity presents you have to take it. Found a spot at the end of Shores drive out of the wind. Tactics were to fish deep and try my new samaki vibelicious and other blades/vibes. 

Got a few hits to start with but generally a quiet session with one bream landed after a few lure changes. Unfortunately lost a strikepro pigmy and a blade.

Lovely old fella was smashing the blackfish on weed.




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1 hour ago, Larkin said:

Nice bream. Shame about the lost lures, but that’s how it goes sometimes.
I hear they get some good snapper off Yamba.

Unfortunately it is a cost of business. Although frustrating that I scouted the area with a cheap lure before hand. Snapper have been going off apparently around Woody Head not far off the stones.

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