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The Entrance


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Went about a week ago to the entrance with my mate who had never been fishing before. Started off around the bridge, where there were a bunch of small bream and herring. My dad also caught a just short of legal tailor. After more small bream, we broke for lunch and changed spots.

We decided to go to the channel on the north side, but upon reaching, it was very weedy, so we moved further up to Sensory Gardens and fished around the boat ramp. There were a bunch of tiny bream, and I did catch one tailor. My dad was casting a soft plastic and managed to get onto a 40cm flatty. I also got one after but just too small. After a few more small bream, I managed to get a legal one to take home. It was getting pretty dark, and on the last cast, I hooked onto a pretty good fish. It was pulling quite a lot of drag, and after a bit of a tussle, in came a 30cm bream. 

Overall, quite a good session, and got a nice feed.


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