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Aussie Day Fishing Report

Guest BBM Rick

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Guest BBM Rick

Well I packed up the 4by and headed up to the old mans in Newcastle straight after work on Wednesday night, and battled the traffic for a couple of hours before arriving to a nice, cold bourboun :1prop:. Dad and I settled in for a few beveridges to discuss the mornings tactics. We would be taking his boat out into Fern Bay (on the northern side of the Stockton Bridge) to throw some SP's around for Bream. Now at this point, I must say I was dubious, Dad has a reputation for tall tales, and expected that tomorrow would be no different, just some quality time on the water with the old man.

5am on Thusday morning, I pack my new outfit ( Strudwick 1-3kg Sic Stick Pro and Daiwa Caldia Kix 1500 w/ 4lb Fireline) into the boat and off we go. After an hour or so of flicking plastics around, I ask Dad to move a little upstream and closer to the sticks. Well, sure enough, first cast and boom! My first legal Bream on a plastic! I dont keep anything I catch, which mortified Dad, but I let him go anyway. We retraced our way back up stream for another drift, and another cast, another Bream. Another cast, another Bream. WOOHOO :thumbup: I was on fire! Poor old Dad hadnt even had a nibble!! In the space of 30min, I had 5 legal Bream in the boat, with the best going 37cm, and after a quick change of casting direction, 6 legal Flathead, with the best one 48cm. Probably my best day on the water for a long time! The killer on the day was a squidgie fish in gold and black, and a squidgie wriggler in pumpkinseed. I wish I had taken the camera, so sorry, no pics :thumbdown: . How did other Raiders go on Australia Day?


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Headed to botany bay for 2 kingies, both on yakkas, both 59cm, both released. One was caught while anchored, the other while on the troll.

As we were coming back into the ramp saw a school of tailor. Approached and cut the engine 100m away to get the lures ready when 2 nobs in a bowrider decide to drive straight through the school and proceeded to cast their blobs of frozen squid on their game rods. When kindly and quietly advised how they should've approached, we were met with "nah mate! we know how to fish" :1badmood: wanted to knock some sense into them but decided it was against the spirit of Australia Day. so turned around and went home

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Got down to Little Narrabeen before dawn with my son on Oz day.

Messy conditions with a 1.5m slop and a nasty current. Water around 22 degrees. Overcast, humid and 22 degrees out.

Sent out some slimey mackeral and watched it drift quickly along the beach, so put on a heavier sinker, and still had difficulties making it stick. My son was having similar problems, but found a spot close to the rocks where he could hold bottom. After about an hour he came up with a rock cod of sorts. After nothing for a long time, I switched to live worms at about 7am to sort out the whiting & bream. NOT.

I ended up with a ray of about 30 cm (on worm), and my son the rock cod thing.

We gave up at 09:45 after a less than satisfactory outing.

So far not much luck on the beaches this summer. :05:

Was going to get out again this morning, but last night decided on the :beersmile: instead. Will be out there before dawn again this Sunday!



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Plicked plastics around the hacking witha couple of mates between 6am and 12pm. Not one fish hit the boat which was strange but i put that down to the traffic. ended up with 4 squid and found a new spot for them for live baits.

Watched a couple drop their nice new fibre glass boat on the ramp. Poor bastards

It was still stuck on the concrete when we left


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Fished at Blackwattle Bay Glebe from high tide down for about 3 hours, caught a 55cm flathead, two bream just undersize and 3 snapper of about 25 cms all went well on the 4 lb line. I also almost landed my first SP flathead but he spat the softie when I was lifting him to the shore.

It will be interesting to see if the snapper hang around to reach legal size (not that it matters at the moment given the dioxin scare).

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Guest lbgking

FIshed with 3 mates and Fishaman635 for 2 small Bass at the Penrith Regatta comp. Mate Jason who was fishing 20 feet away took out best Bass. :05: Comp finished at 10am so off to the Peachtree Hotel. :beersmile:

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Didnt fish Australia Day but today Friday.Soaked a few sqid off Juno and had a herring chopped in half.

Fished the RIP Bridge for 1 Salmon a nice bream of 1KG and my fist Jewie of 75cm.Just heating the oil now for a feed.

Arent Jewies such a pretty fish with that golden colour to the silver.

Hope to better this by the end of the season but Im stoked to break my duck


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