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Fishing in unlikely places in Japan

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Hi all,

Just came across a series of videos of fishing in Japan.

Exhibit one: fishing for trout in what looks for all the world like a storm drain in a village

Exhibit Two: More trout, this time in irrigation channels.

Finally, exhibit three: catching fish out of cracks in a sea wall.

The latter two videos give us insight into how the BFS phenomenon arose.

I could watch this stuff forever...



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They catch trout in their stormwater drains - we catch brown mullet 🤔 

Maybe we could hire some of their EPA managers to help fix our broken system ? We put ponds into new housing estates and pump sewer into them !

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Edit: Forgot to say I enjoyed the videos.

In it's dying days as a conventional cargo wharf, I used to fish Woolloomooloo wharf from the roadway that ran through the center (large warehouses each side; roof across the top: hotmix roadway up the middle sitting lower the warehouses; no water in sight).  It was fairly run down. There was an occasional hole through the wall at the side of the road, with a straight drop to water. Fishing gear consisted line wrapped around a large can and pudding mix moulded on a hook, but no sinker. You'd toss the bait through a hole, lower until it touched bottom then pull out line so you had fairly taught line running part way across the road to you can, which had room to move. All you had to do then was wait for the alarm sound - can scraping across the roadway - as a fish took line. You needed to be onto the can fairly quickly or the fish would wrap you around a pier. For the same reason, you did not let fish run. The action wasn't fast and furious but the Bream were always large.

I have no idea how the wharf was reconstructed or if a road is still there, but presume everything was modernised, so doing anything similar would now be impossible.


Edited by Steve0
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