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Hat Head land based

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Posted (edited)

Am currently away in the van heading to the north coast. Had five days at Hat Head last week and managed a few fishing sessions in between the rain. The seas were fairly big but manageable enough to fish the rocks some days. Had one trip down to Point Plomer but all I could manage were lots of small to medium tarwhine, a few were just big enough to keep, but no bream or drummer which were the targets.

Had better luck off the Hat Head rocks with one very good session catching nine good sized bream and one tarwhine (plus a few throwbacks) in one hour. Took just as long to scale and fillet them as it did to catch 'em.  Couple of days later tried again but much harder work to get five fish over three hours. Nearly all fish caught on bread bait with a few on prawn.

Have tried to insert a pic but seems to be problem, maybe one of the clever site admin can fix? (Done for you)





Edited by mrsswordfisherman
Pic formatted and added
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