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Largemouth bass?

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I am not too sure this is the correct place to post this however,

I very strongly believe that we should stock Largemouth bass into Australian impoundments. I believe that the constant restocking of dams with Aussie bass is waste of our fishing licence money as the fish that are added into dams are unable to reproduce therefor if a fish is kept or eaten by a larger fish there is no way of increasing the population. By putting LBM (large mouth bass) into dams there would also be increased tourism to the dam and self reproducing populations of fish in dams would allow for sustainable populations of fish.


This is just a bit of a rant...

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It’s not just a matter of stocking, there’s a lot of research to be done, lessons learned from introducing species “just because”

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It's the environmental impacts that stop this sort of thing from happening 

Introduced fish in an impoundment end up in the entire river system which can have disasterous effects especially on wildlife and other fish species 

There are plenty of fish numbers in impoundments and most of them attract loads of tourists this year I had 2 mates from the USA come to Australia to fish for cod including in an impoundment 

Have you ever been to Copeton people travel from all over the country especially in winter targeting cod

Our licence fees do more than pay for fingerlings in impoundments they also stock natives and trout throughout river systems to support wiod fish populations especially after drought or blackwater water events, also they are used for facilities like cleaning tables etc..


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Australian freshwater fish have not fared well since European settlement of Australia in 1788. The majority of Australian freshwater fishes are poorly understood and are under threat due to human activities such clearing of riparian vegetation and siltation associated with agricultural practices, snag removal, overfishing, river regulation through dams and weirs, introduced fish and diseases. Two native fish populations that may have been separate species or sub-species, the Richmond River cod and the Brisbane River cod, are extinct, and a number of other species are listed as endangered or critically endangered.

  Stocking impoundments with Bass may not directly fix a problem, but it may ease some of the fishing pressure if people choose to fish impoundments instead of rivers. 

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ahh-no-first of all its highly unlikely to be ever taken as a serious proposal by fisheries-the amount of money and effort that would be required to evaluate the benefits let alone the possible problems ie disease , native fish depredation, other possible unforeseen issues would be astronomical. Stocked fisheries certainly have mixed success in Australia and the current push for bass in marginal lakes eg Lake Lyell -(although some big bass seem to come out of there ) seems a bit ideologicaly driven (natives vs trout). Not sure why you think largemouth would be a good target, i personally havent caught one but very well respected fishing writers from Australia (Rod Harrison, Ron Calcutt)described the fight of a largemouth being the same as a wet sock-and the yank fishing videos i see dont encourage me to argue. Money for stocking is certainly an issue, perhaps if we wanted real solutions for this then the thing we ought to take from the Yanks is a Pitman Robertson /Dingle Act of Parliament-where money from the sales of Hunting gear,fishing gear has an added tax that can ONLY go to improving hunting and fishing opportunities. Imagine 2 % of the sales of all boats,tackle,etc going to improving fishing, it would have an incredible effect.

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Hazelwood Pondage barramundi

took 10 years to approve putting and Australian fish in an Australian waterway and then the warm water generator got turned off and now more Barra.

Time and money well spent. 


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