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Aussie_fisher last won the day on December 22 2023

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  1. Haha alot of us have been donut kings lately 🤣 upper parra especially is pretty dead but I have still been getting some in the lower region. Fishing should start to improve soon as spring rolls in
  2. Congrats nice sesh. I agree with Derek’s saying as long as your hook is in the water you can get something. My pb bream was caught on dead low tide at 1pm - a time I’d least expect. But that said I do think tides and time still play a major role and influence from what I’ve experienced so far especially in slower periods such as winter
  3. Congrats solid fish and a great time spent
  4. Interesting. I’ve fished various spots on a tide change around midday but usually not much luck. If you can get onto a rising tide around 2 hours before sunset it’s definitely worth a shot. When it warms up the fish are a lot less fussy I can get them throughout the day provided it’s not too hot
  5. Ye they get lazy. But I’ve noticed in some spots the smaller fish (like small tarwhine, bream, snapper) are always insanely active throughout the day but the big ones are much more fussy
  6. Been a bit of a slow winter but since holidays are ending decided to go for a few final trips. Last Thursday fished from 3-5pm as the sun was going down and tide was rising which seemed to be prime time. Fished at the ferry wharf first and managed a leatherjacket. A lot of pickers around so decided to ditch the prawn and to just walk around Drummoyne and cast around with a plastic. Not much going on and was expecting another donut. Not an uncommon occurrence as of late. But then bam. As I was giving up hope and flicking on autopilot something takes it. Up comes a fat bream at 28cm - my first solid bream on a plastic this winter. Fished a bit more and caught a small tailor before heading home. today went to iron cove in the morning around lilyfield bridge with a mate. Reached around 8am and the tide was high. Literally first cast within 2 seconds he managed a 25cm bream on prawn. Insane. Thought it would be a great session. But as fate would have it we caught nothing else. A bite or 2 within the next 30 mins but beyond that point it just became completely dead. At places like Rushcutters small pickers seem to bite throughout the day but over here nothing was biting at all. The bait was untouched. I mean it made sense since the tide had become slack and the sun was also up. Fishing the parra in winter especially I’ve noticed the window of opportunity in which good fish bite is slim. Sunrise and sunset is by far the best and a tide change helps too. I know there’s probably people who can pull a 50cm bream at 12pm on a dead low tide 🤣 but this is what I’ve been observing. Can’t wait for the warmer weather and hopefully some improved fishing
  7. I don’t fish the Georges but most of the time if there’s some structure like a wharf enough berley will bring yakkas. Best time is early morning and dusk. Use sabiki rigs. I just put prawn or chicken on the hook and sometimes coat the chicken in some flour to help it stay on better. To make the berley I think cat food mixed with tuna oil is good you can throw in additional stuff like bread, prawn head etc: if u want.
  8. Awesome first report. Cracking few sessions especially with the Luderick.
  9. Not sure about largemouth bass but some species can destroy the ecosystem when introduced. We all know about the carp crisis.
  10. My guess would be silver biddy or southern herring
  11. You should get it checked then thats probably an issue with your reel rather than the model
  12. You’ve sold me on slow rolling 🤣 looks like I’ll be giving that a shot from now on. I mainly have curly tail lures but will get a few paddle tails like the slim swimz and give it a try
  13. If it’s a 2-5kg rod I’d pair it with a 2500 reel rather than 4000. Nasci is a bang for its buck probably the best value for money. I use a miravel and find it to also be a very nice reel in your budget since you want alternative options.
  14. Oh you’re using slim swimz. I’ve been looking at getting those seen a lot of videos with them and they look good. Greasy prawn looks nice. If I was a fish I’d take it. So you use slow roll for most of your soft plastics fishing then not just tailor? That’s interesting I always that hops/twitches were better than a slow roll but you’re having a lot of success
  15. Cracker session again especially in winter. Which plastic were you using?
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