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Stockton beach snapper

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Haven’t made a post and I’ve been doing a lot of reading thought I’d give a little back. As alot of us, unsuccessful trips are plentiful, but trips these like these make it worth it.

Biggest snapper at 67cm right off the beach. Saw a huge gutter, massive drop off right from the shore. Idk what it was that day, but in my head it was like someone told me within 30 seconds I would catch, and I did, and for the next hour is when I caught them all. The first 6 snapper was one after the other as soon as I could get my line back in the water. Didn’t even have time to setup my second rod before I’d get a hookup again. Not that I needed it! 

One of my hookups busted off my ganged hooks not from the line, but from the hook itself. Drag was way too tight, and one of the head shakes bent the hook, reeled it back in with only 1 hook of the three.

Also caught a massive tailor, think it was around the same length as the snapper, didn’t get a chance to measure it. 

Simple paternoster with ganged pillies, did the damage. Gutter was id say, just less than half way down the beach from Birubi access. Though that doesn’t matter too much, beach structure is never the same. Caught on the rising tide, and had to leave around 2/3pm for work. Caught in April.




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