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Time poor & tidally challenged

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Hey everyone

Went out tonight after work with about 45 mins fishing time.  Not much time to fish, but I was still looking forward to it.  Took a look at the tides and I was going to be fishing the lowest point of a very low tide...not ideal conditions either but sometimes you gotta fish when you can, not when you want. 

I will make a comment though...having spent many hours together with @DerekD over the past summer a few months ago and many conversations together, I've stopped caring about going fishing only at the most ideal of times/tides.  He set me up with a great foundation of fishing knowledge but also changed my mindset about trying to min/max my fishing experience by going only at the best times.   Changing that mindset, I just go whenever I have time to go and only look at the tides to decide where I want to go.  

And today I decided to hit up Middle Harbour.  I find the storm drains I frequent are not ideal at low tide in terms of water access, and especially today's low tide being a height of 0.5m.  I went anyway since I didn't have much time to fish and going elsewhere meant a further drive.  

First cast out across the storm drains, and I caught onto a small tailor.  This one struck my plastic right at my feet.  I've been continuing my slow rolls all the way to the end until I can't anymore rather than pulling it up early because I find that often, tailor will hit it even at my feet.  They'll come out of nowhere in an instant and hit it, and very cool to see it happen.  



Quite a few casts later fanning out of the storm drains net me another tailor:



After some more casting around the storm drain and no further interest, I started casting out towards the broader bay.  I started to wind a little bit faster now just to see if I could entice any pelagics...I have been hoping to catch another trevally lately because I love catching them.


Instead...I catch this unexpected catch!  Pike: 



After this and many more last casts, it was time to go.  Ended the night with this fish and a lot of fun for a short session.  

Edited by linewetter
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9 minutes ago, linewetter said:

I will make a comment though...having spent many hours together with @DerekD over the past summer a few months ago and many conversations together, I've stopped caring about going fishing only at the most ideal of times/tides.  He set me up with a great foundation of fishing knowledge but also changed my mindset about trying to min/max my fishing experience by going only at the best times.   Changing that mindset, I just go whenever I have time to go and only look at the tides to decide where I want to go. 

Glad to hear all those conversations have broadened your approach to fishing. If the line is in the water there is a chance of catching something (as this short session has proven).

Edited by DerekD
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Congrats nice sesh. I agree with Derek’s saying as long as your hook is in the water you can get something. My pb bream was caught on dead low tide at 1pm - a time I’d least expect. But that said I do think tides and time still play a major role and influence from what I’ve experienced so far especially in slower periods such as winter

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