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Friday Huntleys Point

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I thought I’d give Bradleys Head a try today but the NW wind was a bit too much so I headed over to Huntleys for the run out.

I got the berley going, there was a nice drift towards the bridge, float goes down, fish on. A decent 33cm blackfish not bad for the first drift. 2nd drift I’m on again, around the same size, 2 in the bag. 3rd drift ( now I have spectators) a short but tough fight and I pulled the hook.

I thought things were going pretty well, then the drift changed, it started coming back towards me. I’m thinking hang on the tide’s running out? There must have been a big eddy, I didn’t get another down for an hour or so until the drift started to change back.

Next down came in almost dead still water, really slow, the float holding just below the surface, I struck and the thing took off, first towards the middle of the river, then under the jetty and towards the rocks, the rod was creaking under the strain. Up came a brute of around 40cm, he was gut hooked, I snipped the line and let him go.

Things went quiet for a while and I decided to give it away, I dumped the 1/2 bucket of berley in. Then I realised my float stopper had moved during the last fight, I was way too shallow. I reset and the fish were back on, got 2 more and left them biting.


Edited by Ryder
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Nice going! When I was reading the post and 'the float holding just below the surface' then it took off towards the middle of the river I was expecting to hear it was a Surgeon! Good fish instead and good release. Bradleys is good this time of year also but hard in any wind.

Do you remember when the wharf was still at Bradleys?

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No, I only knew the stone pier. I was making my way from the east side back towards the lighthouse and saw the remains of what could have been a wharf here.


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I fished the North East corner today, but you can get good fish from the rock right of the stairs. Jump the fence where the stairs turn left and fish towards the ferry pontoon.

Edited by Ryder
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1 hour ago, Ryder said:

I’ve only landed 1 surgeon and that was very early on, the other guys made me so scared of them I barely touched it and let it go.

They are pretty good on the plate and it gives you some sense of 'revenge' for all the tackle they've taken over the years


4 hours ago, Ryder said:

No, I only knew the stone pier. I was making my way from the east side back towards the lighthouse and saw the remains of what could have been a wharf here.


The wharf used to be going outwards from the old stone wall, it was a really good 'Jacket' spot as well as Lude's. If you remember 'Abbey' from years back, he fished there a fair bit, as a kid Iwas happy enough with the Jackets.

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