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Posts posted by gobbledock

  1. G Day raiders went out today after work for a session on kings, started well with 12 squid and one big cuttle. Rat after rat all day... then in the last 2hrs of the day managed two legals which went 86cm and 94cm, arms aching we decided to pack it up and head home.

    Also yesterday headed down to the local river for a jewie bash managed 3 small guys not bad considering they were caught on prawns

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  2. Lost many anchors while squiding and on Australia day lost the rod holder, Fluger rod with a penn 950ss attached to it. There were two of us fishing with 4 rods in the soup, Quadruple hook up on kings and we just couldnt attend to all rods and off she snapped lol. Funny thing was after 5 mins caught another king which tangled itself in the line of the overboard rod, my old man started putting it up with rod and king still attached. As the rod came in sight from the bottom the kingy took off and told my old man not to grab the braid when it runs and with all the braid in the boat it caught a metal edge and lost it a second time LMAO...Spewing but laughed our heads off PS If anyone is into diving Sugar loaf moorings, claim your fee rod and reel lol

  3. awsome haul. sound like you guys had fun.

    just a quick question what size strips do you guys put on. some people use thicker ones, but some people say go long and thin. I want to try out the new downrigger this weekend. next problem is i need to get some squid.


    I always use the whole head with the guts attached, the two wings and i open the tube and cut 2 to 3 strips out of it depending on the size of the squid

  4. Nice catch of Kings and squid, :thumbup:

    I would have fed that 2nd lot of squid to the family :biggrin2:


    We did and it was good, flour, egg and crumbed with a bit of salt n pepper and tarte sauce :drool: And still had 6 heads and 12 wings for bait to use on the next outing

  5. I am jelous guys...can't get out there due to being busy with work but looking at the fishraider posts pictures just sooths me down...great stuff accomplished guys...not once but twice in a day. Just to let the some of the raiders know who are trying to get kingies, did you get more hits on the strips or using the squid whole. cheers cg.

    All on strips and heads, cant bring myself to put on a whole squid knowing my luck with pickers

  6. told ya Trung, we all need to give the Bay a miss for one week and try the Harbour for some legals!

    Yeah defiantly hit the harbour guys, i have been botany a good six times in the past month and managed only rats and 4 legals, biggest going just under 80cm. Its worth the travel :biggrin2:

  7. G'Day raiders, hit the harbour 6am this morning and started squiding, managed 6 in an hour so we decided to hit our first location.. Within 1 hour we pulled in 6 kings the biggest ones going 76 and 79cm. After a quiet spell we decided to try some of the harbour wrecks. Didn't get one touch on the fresh squid but got smoked multiple times using 12' Sluggos. After we tried some of the markers only to loss all our squid to pickers, so we decided to head to the bait grounds once again only to be distracted by a school of bonnies which entertained us for half an hour or so on metal slices. Then finally arrived at the squiding grounds...nothing in the first 5mins then out of no where, one after the other, we caught 9 squid probably in under 5mins ( Never experienced such a bite on squid) Went back to the markers and caught multiple kings biggest going 86cm. No hoodlums but a great day out.

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  8. G day raiders, went out to the bay this morning at 11 o clock for some kingie action, Started the day chasing some squid at all the usual haunts without any success so we decided to try some new grounds and bingo! caught 4 in succession. Then headed to our fishing spot. Everything looked good the kings were all over the place on the finder. Dropped the fresh squid down in anticipation of the rods buckling over any second but nothing happened for 2 hours. Then thought to myself I just bought 2 downriggers last year but never used them. Long story short, almost every pass we hooked or got strikes from kings ending the day with many rats, lost count...

    Think I`ll be using the downriggers more often if Plan A doesn't work

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