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Posts posted by gobbledock

  1. Cant be too long now. The BOM website is showing warmer water passing the harbour. Another 2-3 weeks and rats should be comming in. Problem is they will be feeding on small bait, making them hard to entice. But not to long now :thumbup:

  2. Same here. Got squid and yakkas with the hope of a Kingy but to no avail, the water is still at a chilli 16 degress in the harbour, went 2nm miles from the colours where it it hit 17 degress. Only captures i saw where a few boats chasing salmon/tailor/bonito in the washes of North head and some bird activity around South Head towards the colours. Cant be to long now until the warm water currents hit the harbour.. I Hope :wacko:

  3. Had an early start on sunday morning with next to no visibility due to the fog. Launched from drummoyne and it was a slow and scary ride out to the harbour but luckily once we passed the bridge it wasn't too bad.

    First off we picked up a few squid and a cuttle, then off to get some yakkas. All was looking good until.. we did a drift passed the yellow marker and the cuttle was picked off immediately. Damn not the peckers again as I had the same problem last week. Moved to the tripod and anchored, same thing happend. I don't know what they are(possibly LJ's?) but they demolish baits almost instantly, although I did not lose any rigs. They must have sharp teeth as they have no problems decimating our squid baits within a matter of seconds. I could see good activity on the sounder(which looked like predators) but within seconds of baits being put down, tap tap tap and our hard earned squid's gone.

    Fished most the markers in the harbour and tried along the quarantine head cliffs. Also tried along the cliffs near the south head light house but there wasn't much activity besides a few bait balls here and there. I did not see many other boats catching but reports as of late seem to still show kings in the harbour. We spent a good 10 hours on the water moving around a lot but couldn't even manage one king.

    How did everyone else go this weekend? The only places I could see good activity the baits would get taken by peckers.

  4. Nice work mate, and thumbs up for going wide in your open tinnie its something i wouldn't do personally. How far out do you go out? Never fished for dollies, might have to give them ago now that the jackets a here and the kings are scarce. Anyway always look forward to your next report Tight Lines

  5. Quick report, went out Tuesday morning arriving to our squid ground at around 10am managing to bag 5 squid in half an hour, all squid nudging 30cm hood length. With enough bait we headed to our first location.

    Sat there for an hour without a nibble so we then moved to spot B only managing one small amberjack and lossing a fish on sluggos while casting at surface action. We then went back to our original location as the tide started comming in and we ended up catch a huge bonito, 3 kings (biggest going 84cm) then as the action started hotting up the dreaded leather jackets started show up.

    Lossing all our gear in second of hiting the water we called it a day.



  6. Went out sydney harbour on easter monday, things started out pretty grim with only 3 squid in 2 hrs, luckily two of them being 30cm hood length. To put the best day fishing this season in short we ended up catching 4 amberjack and 7 kings, lossing 10+ fish on 30lb PE braid and 40lb black magic leader ( which i struggle to break off when i snag up) Nothing could stop these kings having qaudropale hook ups and they would pull the drag without a single wind of the reel then bust us off, the pain....Hodlems were the winners on the day, time to upgrade my gear. Never had a problem with that gear even with 90+cm fish. Just a question to the raiders out there... what is the strongest knot you can tie to a swivel using braided line??? As alot of fish were lost due to knots??



  7. Went down to the local river for a quick fish in hope of a jewfish, first bait down produced 46cm soapie. Then managed some nice bream and whiting. After an hour of dead period hooked something decent which took roughly a 30m run, then busted off on 15lbs gear.


  8. We have been getting them all month in MH its just been in the past 2 weekends we have struggled around there. But your right i havnt explored every where yet as is my first season fishing the harbour. Use to be a dangler now slowly becoming an angler

  9. Hi Sorry for the Fine for the flairs.

    Everything seems to have an expiry date that the NSW Water Police are keen to check (flares, Extinguisher).

    Did they check the 2L of water per person and the MAP? V-Sheet?

    At least you got a catch.

    It happens mate. Heres a list of what they checked: Life jackets, flares, paper map of the harbour, V sheet, whistle/horn, fire extingusher, eperb, paddles, bucket with rope, can remeber the rest but there was more

  10. they could have given you a warning :ranting2: they must be cheesed of for working on a sunday :ranting2:

    Tried, asked them to wave the fine nicely and rather than getting fined to use that money to buy new flares. Now the flares will cost me 150 in total :mad3:

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