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Posts posted by Dangas

  1. Hi cjchen

    i will say hi next time if i see u in the water. Im in the same boat as you. Still waiting to catch that decent kingy.

    Gonna try using live baits next time hoping to catch better quality fish.

    How are you using the sluggos? are you just cranking them across the surface?

  2. Hi Flano

    Im a regular bay fisher in fact im there almost every week. My boat is a 4.15 seajay tinnie and i take it out all the way to the mouth of the bay on calm days.

    I have no doubt that your vessell can handle the bay on a nice day but only if you feel confident to skipper these waters. Most times i fish early mornings up to about 12pm because it is usually the calmest part of the day there and the wind really picks up after that.

    I always check weather reports on www.bom.gov.au and wind reports on www.seabreeze.com.au before i decide to go out there. If it gets a little too rough i head back immediately because there is no fish worth risking my life for.

    As long as you are sensible and confident in your boat and yourself it can be a very enjoyable place to fish as it is quite easy to navigate and holds plenty of fish. Its also a good idea to wear lifejacket at all times too.

    If its too choppy on the day just fish from wooloware bay back into georges river.

    Congrats on the new boat

  3. Sambo fillets are quite nice if prepared properly. Need to bleed fish immediately once captured and put onto ice. Take them home and fillet them and remove bloodlines (brown red bits)

    Marinade for a few hours in fish sauce and sweet chilli sauce and bbq

  4. metal shiny lures and surface poppers.

    when did they shut yarra bay down to fishing!

    As far as i know the eastern corner of yarra bay where the breakwall meets the beach, that corner has become a no go zone. ive been told to move or be fined on 2 occasions whilst fishing there in the last month or so.

  5. Check with waterways, but I thought the bait grounds are still accessible, but have been deemed a 4 knot construction zone for an Energy Australia cable trench to Kurnell. That was my understanding of the info in the Southern Courier.

    I've been told to move off a few times whilst fishing in the eastern corner of yarra bay by authourities.

    This is the spot where i would normally go catch squid and yakkas.

    Havent had much luck elsewhere.

  6. Sounds like a good day Groper, wish i was out there. I was there on wednesday morning but the southerly wind and huge swells were too much so i packed it in after 10mins on the water.

    What lure did you land the surface feeding kings on? Ive been finding it hard to get live squid in the bay these days with the no go zone being placed on Yarra Bay Bait grounds.

  7. Ive only caught bream, flatheads and eels there. Havent really been there for a while but i see some people go prawning there through summer. I wouldnt eat anything from Chippo's but apparently the prawns make good live bait.

    Seen some good sized bream being caught there too. Not many people fish chippo lake coz you cant eat the fish there but its a nice place to take your kids.


    ive caught a few salmon and tailor with metals and find that they can be very good with the tailor. I only have caught fish using metals when i can sight a school feeding on the surface, or maybe see a few tails splashing about.

    Just cast into the thick of the school and when it hits the surface just crank it back fast so that it swims on or just below the surface. It will generally get smashed after a few cranks.

    You will get more hits especially with salmon if you match the size of the lure to what theyre feeding on at the time. You could do the same technque with SP's but if its tailor they tend to tear the tails off your SP's and not hook up.

    If kingies are feeding on the surface i will use this technique with a white Squidgie flickbait.

  9. ive been playing around with my sounder its the samemodel etc.. and from what ive been reading is that most people have the sensitivity too high and it picks up all kinds of dirt etc.. in the water and can even pick up the current.

    now i aint no pro but ive been playing around and i seem to have it working better than before and it actually found some decent fish by lowering the sensitivity and speed of the chart as i mainly use the sounder when drifting or going slowly when i find a decent looking spot to fish etc..

    Im using it in the same situations as you DGF. So what have you set your sensitivity and chart speed to?

    mines currently on Sensitivity 90% and Chart 100%

  10. Thanks for the tips. Ive read the manual and it says that if chart speed is at max while stationary you will see fish appear as straight lines and will need to turn it down.

    I might just keep playing around with it until i get optimal settings

  11. Hi Raiders

    I was wondering if anyone can help me with my Fishfinder settings. i have an eagle cuda 300 which is a basic fishfinder and i am unable to get any decent fish arches. Usually get dots or series of lines.

    The transducer is mounted correctly according to the manual but i suspect its the settings that are incorrect.

    The settings are as below:

    Range Depth: Auto

    Sensitivity: 90%

    Grayline: 60%

    Chart Speed: 100%

    Fish ID: Off

    ASP: Max

    Can it be my chart speed is set too high? My boat does max of about 30knts and most of the time im stationary or trolling really slow. I know there are fish underneath when things come up on my sounder but just cant get the arches.

    Can anyone help me??

  12. I was out there yesterday and picked up a few tailor near the third runway and off the breakwall at molineaux point but on the eastern side further towards Yarra Bay.

    The tailor came and went very quickly.

    Trolled around kurnell cliffs had a big hook up but the line snapped. Travelled all of the bay looking for some surface action but there was none. Even seagulls were struggling.

  13. use slightly larger live bait ... maybe try trolling a live yellowtail or slimey hooked though the nose.

    Smaller younger kings are prob more wreckless and eager to smash lures but larger wiser ones might prefer their food alive and fresh.

    But i spose a bit of luck counts also.

  14. from my knowledge the difference between 50khz and 83khz is the maximum depth that the sonar will work in and if you are only using it max of 30m then you wont ever have to switch to 83 or 50khz

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