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Posts posted by Dangas

  1. Hi Raiders

    Now that the end of Yarra Bay is closed off to boats due to laying cables or something like that, i am unable to go to my favourite spot to get some squid.

    Does anyone have any other suggestions in the bay or general areas where i can find squid?? Any help would be much appreciated.


  2. , bend over to pick up the knife only to watch him squirt his ink and propel himself to freedom...i was less than happy seeing that was the only we had.

    how funny :biggrin2:

    i can see that squid in my head doing a big "HA HA" as he was squirting his way to freedom

  3. wow ... good work guys

    i might try Sabi's technique and burley with last nights dinner next time the swells pick up.

    I have to find out where this trevally alley #2 is... trevally alley #1 is getting abit crowded these days.

    Good to see good number of decent fish can be caught inside the bay where you dont have to battle the rough seas.

  4. Hi Aqua Naut

    I think i saw you yesterday in the bay. Your boat was named aqua naut and i was anchored right next to you. I didnt have any luck with kingies at all.

    I had squid and yellowtail out near some marker buoys and at the drums but no touches. Caught heaps of tailor near the runways though.

    Were the kingfish inside the bay or further out near the heads?

  5. Im pretty sure that turbulence doesnt affect tailor. Ive caught them from white wash near rock ledges and cliff walls where there are big swells. A lot of people also catch them in surf on beaches as well. Ive had catches in the middle of the day but theyre prob more actively feeding at change of light periods.

  6. Hi all

    Im looking forward to catching some kingies this season but i was wondering if anyone has been having any luck with them in botanybay lately?

    I havent been hearing much about people catching them yet this year and ive always thought that they started coming into the bay around Nov.

    If anyones been onto a kingy in the bay lately id love to know what size and baits

  7. Hey Buddy,

    What are you fishing for?

    I use about 2 rod lengths when im using SP's and HB's for bream and flatties. However, when using poppers for whiting and bream, i find a shorter leader works better for the popper.

    This is just my experience.

    All the best,


    im generally using braid with SP's for bream, flatties, trevally and tailor and fish in the bay where water depths range from about 12m to 1.5m depending on what im chasing

  8. Hi Raiders

    Just need a bit of advice regarding braid and leaders. Im new to braid lines and have just spooled up my reel with some 10lbs fireline.

    I have also bought some 12lbs vanish fluro line as well which i want to attach to the fireline but wanted to know what length should i put on so that it effectively does its purpose without taking away the feel of the braided line?

  9. you got the same type of boat as me Ritchie. The guys at my local boat supplies store recommend 8lb anchor with chain same length as the boat.... so ...4m in ur case

  10. hi David88

    i caught a couple of 65-70cm salmon the other day on the bay with 10lb mono and 20gm metal slice. Took me about 15min to land them and got busted off by a few too.

    Ideally 30lb mono or braid wouldve been perfect but sometimes its more fun when its heart in the mouth action using light line on powerful fish.

    Best method would prob be to cast into far side of school with metal slice and crank as fast as possible as soon as it hits the water. or gang hook pillies or fillets cast into school let it drop a bit and slowly reel it in.

    Try to "match the hatch"

    As for Kingies... use heavier rod and line at least 30lb ... live bait is prob best ... so if you can get some small yellowtail, slimies or squid, use a running sinker rig with heavy sinker and 1.5m trace.... drop the live bait to the bottm and wind it up a couple of metres. Thats prob gonna be bring the most success with kings over lures and plastic.

  11. id use size 2 to 1/0 hook thru hard tail section so it stays alive and moves around otherwise pinning thru body can kill it then youd might as well use peeled prawn baits.

    use 1-1.5m trace and ball sinker to get it to bottom. a good fish will hook itself. if ur constantly getting bites and no hookups then its time to move ... prob just a school of pinkies around.

  12. i'd go for a 8ft to 10ft rod rated 6-10kg if i were chasing kingies and large jews. I would load it up with at least 30lb to 50lb line in case you encounter a decent kingfish which would easily bust you off on rocks and reef nearby with your current setup. You really need the brute force to pull them in... which you wont be able to do with 20lb line and light rod. Longer rod cast further from rocks and help you maneuvre around rock ledges if you hook up... ideally a 2 pce setup will help you carry the rod around when you are making your way to your location.

  13. Salmon are apparently very picky eaters when they get into a feeding frenzy to the point where they will only eat the one thing they are currently chasing and will ignore all other offerings thrown at them.

    lucky for me my lure prob happened to be the same size and shape as whatever they happened to be chasing at the time. Tailor, however will attack anything that moves. i couldve thrown in my keyring attached to some fishing line and it wouldve had some hits from the tailor. too bad they were all small.

  14. Had a day off work on wed and what better way to spend it than to be out on the water. So i prepared the boat and gear the night before with the plan to go for a days fishing out on the bay. I went to bed that night in the doghouse so that i dont disturb the missus beauty sleep when i get up at 4am.

    Started the morning trolling around cape banks for tailor/salmon at 6.30am with the only catch being a decent sized trev.

    Guessing that the tailor reported to be feeding around the heads have moved on, i decided to go to the Sticks for some bream. Ended up with a few more trevs. Also witnessed a pod of about 20 dolphins swim by 2 metres from my boat ... watta sight.

    Next stop was Molineaux point... again trevally. I cant stop catching them. I thought to myself "At least its trevs and not yellowtail" Anyway... what i saw next was one of the most amazing sights ive seen in my short fishing career. The water behind my boat seemed like it was starting to boil. It was bubbling and frothing, i see tails flicking through the surface. I hear someone scream out "salmon!!" ... there were literally hundreds of fish turning the water into froth ... so.... on comes the metal (about the same size as the small bait fish ive seen swimming around in huge numbers)

    My reel starts screaming and i had to delicately play the fish for 10 mins or so. The biggest dilema was whether to risk tightening drag to breaking point or loosening it and risk getting spooled (10lbs line). Anyway end result ... landed 2 salmon both about 68cm mark, got smoked by 2, got 2 swollen forearms and one busted reel.

    After ive had enough fun with the salmon ive decided to head back to the ramp when i see another scgool of fish surface feeding. Out comes the metal again and this time it was a school of chopper tailor. I lost count of how many i caught, but geez are they aggressive lure takers when they get into this feeding frenzy. It seems the school were all around the 30cm mark give or take a few cms so they were all throwbacks, but were loads of fun.

    All in all, a beutiful day on the bay. Was nice just to be outdoors, the fish were a great bonus.



  15. nice catch Groper, i'll be heading out on the bay tomorrow first thing in the morning. Definitely gonna have the hard bodies behind the boat looking for those tailor round the heads after your post. might leave a spare rod with a metal on it too in case i encounter a school. I hope they will still be there

    Those yellowtails are in plague proportion atm in the bay and seem to be catching them every second cast. ive decided to keep the big ones and eat them nowadays as theyre not bad eating if you butterfly them grill then add drizzle of lemon/salt/olive oil/parley. (just watch out for bones)

  16. so i guess painted it is then.

    thanks for all the advice guys...

    i spose it is easier on the eyes on both glare and from an aesthetic point of view.

    I just gotta stop being so lazy and wash the boat down carefully after every trip, which is hard to do at the end of the day when youve been up since 4am in the morning and your arms are about to break out of their sockets from lifting up anchors all day and sunburnt and full of fish guts, but thats the price you pay for your passion.

  17. thanks for all your responses, i spose a white painted boat would be a lot cooler in the summer heat and you would still have to wash the boat after a trip whether it painted or unpainted.

    Just wondering tho, would you have problems with rust bubbling up under the paint?

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