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Posts posted by DGF

  1. Hey guys i bought a new boat on friday a allycraft 535 front runner kitted out for fishn :) from QLD took it out on friday night to give it a test run and go for a quick fish in botany got there at about 7pm took the boat up to the hot water outlet and anchored up.

    While setting up my rods my mate droped a line in as he was ready to go and within minutes he caught a 40+cm trev :)

    things got a lil slow but i burley'd up and then i caught another trev :D and a few yakkas which i tried to turn into somthing bigger but they kept getting mauled by squid and other creatures :P

    went home happy with 2 nice sized trevs fed 4 of us at home :)




    They tasted awesome :) havnt had fresh fish in a very long time :D

  2. well i send them about half way down and berley up usually fresh puke works hahaha each time i had caught the kingies there i had a servo hotdog/meat pie before heading out this usually gets me sick before i hit the water, from there i go catch my yakkas n goto middle head there is only 1 green marker thats near the head and yeh usally get a few as long as the leather jackets arent in season those fkrs kill my live bait >:/

  3. ive been playing around with my sounder its the samemodel etc.. and from what ive been reading is that most people have the sensitivity too high and it picks up all kinds of dirt etc.. in the water and can even pick up the current.

    now i aint no pro but ive been playing around and i seem to have it working better than before and it actually found some decent fish by lowering the sensitivity and speed of the chart as i mainly use the sounder when drifting or going slowly when i find a decent looking spot to fish etc..

  4. well i usually go under the spit early morning stock up on live yacka's possibly squid too then i head out to middle harbour near that bouy/marker (green one) and few drifts around that and usually pick up some decent kings from there :D ive done this roughly 4-5 times successfully live yakkas also pulled out some aussie salmon in that same spot too

  5. hey guys, went up to Complete Angler on friday arvo to buy some stuff :) ended up spending $400.00 (my wife came with) came home with a new soft plastics outfit figured i would start playing around with some plastics set me back $200 ish with rod and reel then got braided line some jig heads and plastics so totaled around $270 and then to my suprise my mrs wants a new rod so she went n picked out a Okuma combo (pink) and got some pilchards.

    so we decided to go for a fish on georges river up picnic point area on saturday (she didnt end up coming :? go figure) started to flick out the plastics and really enjoyed the new rod n reel has some excellent accuracy and so easy n light to use got a few nibbles here and there nothing major ... and then BAM a big hit line goes off and snaps on a snag no idea what it was but wasnt happy :(

    Sunday took the boat onto the georges what a mistake IT WAS FILLED WITH HOOLIGAN JETSKIERS Speeding and doing stupid shit in no wash zones and RIGHT next the boat ramp so you can imagine the day i was having anyways waterways came booked a fair few of them thankfully :) i went down around picnic point area by boat and seen heaps of tailor flying out of the water as if they had wings! so i flicked some plastics out to them had few big chomps but no hook ups :( i think im putting on my plastics wrong or somthing :(

    needless to say the jetskies came flying back again and being retards again ! went back to the ramp @ georges river national park and the assholes followed and started doing stupid shit again just as the waterways wen away :/ i tie up to the jetty to go retrieve my car n trailer as i try to get off my boat the assholees create so much wash again that my boat smashs up against the wharf crushing my navigation lights and cracking my windscreen ... not to mention me going for a swim ..

    so yet again go home empty handed .,........

  6. Hi Guys, we know what we should eat from the harbour and how much dioxins are effecting the fish stock.

    But what about Botany bay, is that water any cleaner than sydney harbour, I know they are cleaning the bore water around the bay, what sort of effects will that have on the fish.

    Also port hacking, should we be looking for anything there.

    good question

  7. We were out on saturday with a plan to get amoungst some palagics but we also saw no action . landed some nice bream and travelly and there was plenty of yakkas around as well but it was very quiet .

    ironically as i was driving across the carl express way comming back out of the city on sunday mornning i notice a large boil on the entrance to circular quay .




    yeh i went around looking for that freakn boil aftr 8am lol couldnt find them anywhere!!!!

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