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Posts posted by DGF

  1. thats ok my depthmaster 1050 still goes over my 30cm step at the back but i have it angled out from the corner of the boat works well :)

    the canons do have longer arms as well but there is the scottys have a few differant ones as well

  2. what size boat?

    i use a scotty's depthmaster 1050 its a lil short on the arm for my boat but it does the trick

    the canon is also another great unit too :) but if you are down rigging trout as well the 1050 depthmaster will do the trick.

  3. Great stuff bud :D grats on 1000x posts too

    i went for bream again last night on pencil's, poppers, blades, and MF50's i managed one SOLID hookup on the MF50 and lost it as i brought it out the water but still nothing on my pencil or poppers :(

  4. finally some good news and great to see that they didn't just rubbish the fish:D

    but once again there is still a heap of people keeping undersized fish i mean each day ive been at picnic point ive seen people keeping 20cm bream, trevally, whiting that's hardly 15cm same with tailor and flathead.

  5. icant see them as protected i remember their "eggs" were protected or somthing or other but i cant see them as protected on DPI's website nor on any charts i have but they are ugly anyway release them i reckon there is much better eating fish out there than a port jackson

  6. *edit* i did say practically give you the answers :P you still gotta know what they are talking about 4 people failed when i done my licence test, apparently the course thing is still required either to be done as i did or by them sending a DVD or something or other.

    P.S. I already knew most 90% of the rules and regs of boating etc.. as i had a Junior licence when i was younger but i never bothered getting a adult one as we didn't have a boat anymore at the time.

  7. Wednesday

    I basically had nothing to do after work and was bored so i picked up the mrs n we headed out to picnic point again, not much action but she managed to land 3 bream 2 under with one just an bit of legal Released all of them i also landed 1 bream and 2 whiting all released, STILL trying to work out blade n popper fishing managed 2 hits on the poppers and was pretty awesome to see, but nothing on them all fish were landed on beach worms.


    Same thing again bored after work wife went shopping i went fishing headed up to a rock ledge just after picnic point was watching a whole heap of bream feeding 1-2 mtrs from the rocks so i managed to climb down with my back pack on and rod in hand got to the lower point and jumped onto a rock that was sitting about 1 metre from the ledge basically sat there with blades and poppers again trying different retrievals has one BIG hit on the blade (was casting sideways along the ledge to fish the shallows) and had some small bream interested in my popper as well fairly good to watch no fish landed but better than sittin at home watching telly.


    Me and my mate had decided to take his boat out for a evening session in botany bay he finished work @ 2:30 i left work around the same time we headed out to botany and sat at the HWO for around 3-4 hrs landed a HEAP of bream on beachworms 1 of which was 37cm and fat after catching and releasing about 20-30 fish and keeping 5 3 bream 2 trev's we decided to drop some squid out and maybe chase some jewfish,

    we sat at the runway for 3 hrs (fell asleep after 10 mintues) as iwas sleeping i had a dream the rod was going off with a ZZZZZZZZZ and woke up and grabed the rod then i released it was a dream hahahha so i went back to sleep for another hr and after that we decided to head back in.


    Had to get my tattoo touchd up in the morning so i wasnt confident i was gonna be able to wet a line but i was done fairly quick so i drove off in a hurry with my wife headed off to picnic point again, Beachworms for her blades popppers for me, but as my rod was still rigged with a sinker and hook i said ill try a beachworm first first cast my rod goes nuts a stonker of a bream would of been 40+ i got it out of the water and PING! hooks gone fish is gone then i remembered i was being hit by tailor the night before and my trace was all frayed so rerigged up everything and my wife lands a 20cm bream, released it and i try some popppers again few swipes but no takes :/ (i think now i may be reeling in too fast) anyway after an hour or so of nothing and my wife still getting bites i decide to switch to bait again and i score my self a 27cm blackfish/luderick on a worm, released him too and we went home for BBQ.


    we decided to go fishing again we drive for a few hrs looking for differant places the initial plan was to go to avoca but after checking out the weather didnt look like it would be a good day for my wifes first ledge fishing session so we went local, we went up to Gymea baths, didnt like so went to tom uglies and my wife says Picnic point was more fun so we headed back after a bite to eat and landed Total of 6 bream 3 whiting and a trev all released and also 4 bust offs.

    And that is all :)

    Might head out again today :) (trying to get into bream fishing for the pirtek challenge)

    definitely taking my boat out this weekend

    Sorry no pics released as we caught them so not really worth taking pics

  8. hey guys need some help now i have no clue where to get squid boat based in botany im going fishing tonight and i would love to have some fresh squid for the late night jews :) now i know where to getyakkas and stuff im going to be around the the HWO, maybe the drums while its still light, and the head over to the 3rd runway for jews (unless of course somone else can tell me a better spot i would appreciate that as well)

    but mainly need to know where to get squid :)

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