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Posts posted by DGF

  1. got one of these at the HWO at botany while trying to catch yakkas this thing swallowed 2 of my hooks :/ straight down its throat was bleeding all over the place cut the line n it was floating away :/

  2. they are $79 at a tackle shop near me i can pm it to you if your a sydney local they usually retail around the $90 mark i scored mine fairly cheap cant say really how much :P but if purchased online they come out to around the same price as retail anyway best bet would be to goto the shop :P and i used mine this past weekend and the really are pro :D much more comfy and they are super grippy they are purchased in pairs and i also got a pair of shimano self draining shoes so i dont have to walk around squishing water under my feet (hated that the most)

  3. ive been told there are heaps of jews even up at picnic point have also heard of catching them a fair bit too personally ive never caught a jew :P let alone in georges river but im sure they would be there

  4. yep that be a mack tuna, RayR can confirm :P he seen the catch at first i thought was anohter frigate those buggers all look the same to me ><

    oh and it seems that they like the pink squid skirts and bonny's like the white as the minute i swaped to white i got me the bonny but on the pink i was only getting frigates the day earlier and this mack tuna

  5. Nice Mack! There's been a few around of late. And don't they sound like an outboard going 300mph when they're outta water!!!

    I've all but given up on using bait since December. I also rarely fish Avo anymore either (for my own reasons). The only time I use bait on the rocks now is livebaiting or the occasion pilly-toss when I'm out early waiting for first light... Couple of quick tailor before spinning never hurts!

    haha yeah was like it was having a fit it actually killed it self from banging its head so much i cut it up n salted it for next time :P might try somewhere closer to home for a jewie :P

  6. that gear is fine for bonnies :P i also use a 12ft to spin for bonito while using a float as a popper and a lilplastic squid 2mtres down from the float, and swap between my 7.6ft nitro with a 4000 reel :) still land those bonnies with no probs :D much more fun on the lighter gear :D my 12" is only 6 - 10kg rod when i hook on a big bonny boy does it flex.

  7. Went to avoca both saturday and sunday bumped in to RayR on both days :) was very quiet on both days saturday only managed one frigate on a plastic squid + float as popper, sunday saw the black fish were playing around tried to get some of them on some weed while i waited for any sign of bonito's only got one happy moments which i chucked back, then when ray came along i managed to get a fatty mack tuna was fun first mack tuna ever :) he died from being whacked on the rocks because it was going banana's havn a fit when i brought it up, kept it for bait for another time .. no action for an hr or so and ray decided to go home as he was walking off i got a 53cm bonito :) using same method plastic squid + float after that was dead so i left n went home with at least one fish to feed on :P

    PB Mack tuna


  8. ill take you around botany one weekend soon in my boat soon as i get the blueslip done on my trailer :D take you to get some trevs n kings if your want or can use palstics for flathead along the beach line :D

    shoot me a pm, ill be able to get you hooked up on to some decent fish :) keepers at least around the botany bay area from cpt cook bridge to the HWO to chasing kings on the break wall :)

  9. botany fads are roughly 9.1-10k off shore, dunno if there are any dollies havnt seen many reports from that fad lately.

    also try "travacalm" for sea sickness they work better than kwells for me personally but each person is differant just steer clear from travacalm natural, maybe bring some ginger beer along too :) that always helps.

    6-8kg rod may be ok but id be going for stronger poundage on the line for dollies so far ive set up one rod with 65lb braid 80lb fluro trace ( incase somthing bigger is out there ) but i think you may get away with 20-30lb at the moment havnt seen reports of big 20kg+ dollies as of yet, but still fight hard.

    i'd also give jigging a go up there too might get lucky :P

  10. i had a big run from what would of appeared to be a fairly large tuna @ avoca beach on friday last week only got to see a glimpse of it would of been 1mtre + and took off like a freight train toward to ocean (even with full drag setting on my exceller)

  11. haha great stuff Ray i never knew that stingrays gave birth n not lay eggs o_O would of been pretty awesome to see even though it would of given birth because it was stressed at being caught :P

    as for eating salmon well i wouldnt eat em again as they tasted crap :P but then again alot of people wont eat bonito saying they taste crap :/ but i love bonito :D

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