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Posts posted by wannabefisho

  1. Agree with Hodgey completely

    the Bream in my local area (Lane Cove) are really shy of heavier leaders.

    I downgraded from 15 to 8lb and the hookup rate is 500% increase.

    ... I think going even lighter (to 6lb braid) will get even more.

    I use Bread and Chicken Pellets for berley and size 10 long shank hooks, bait I usually use squid or bread and pillies (all will get fish but some days they want pillies only and others they wil take anything), lol :1fishing1:

    Most fish I am catching range from legal (25cm) all the way up to 40cm and they GO HARD esp as I am LB and most are caught within a few metres from the shore/bank/wharf wherever I fish.

    Good luck!

  2. Top effort Johnny! :thumbup:

    Good lookin fish from the piccie you sent me last night, I will try and upload it later tonight on ya behalf OK.

    Monch, I hooked some good jew at my feet (less than 2m from shore) in Lane Cove over the last few weeks, all on light gear but getting dusted is a pain.

  3. Hey Mate, def sounds like a big Jewie.

    I had similar happen to me a coupla years back up Port Stephens- I find that if the fish run parallel to the beach (ie. along the gutter) its usually a Jew. If it run straight to sea then usually a Noah/Ray.

    The head shakes give it away straight away.

    ... bet the adrenalin was pumping hard after the initial run.

    Can I ask which beach you were fishing???

  4. Hey Pete,

    Nice lookin Jewies, I read you fish Lane Cove River?

    I fish LB in that same area, we have hooked and dropped about 6 Jewies on LC within 5m from shore on Bream gear in the last 3 or 4 outings, find getting dusted fairly often too not only by the Jew, also the big Bream are right in among the structure (wharves, moored boats and anywhere there is cover)

    Tried with heavier gear (20 and 30lb) but they are very finnicky and prefer a lighter leader.

    Seem the Bream are also prolific there too, but loads of throwbacks with the bigger models, been up to 40cm pulled out recently on 8lb gear with unweighted squid strips and bread or pillie strips.

    ... Cannot wait til Thursday give em another shot.

  5. Went Breaming again last night in Lane Cove

    Got 4 bream from 28-34cm + a Whiting and a tiny Flattie

    Got dusted and had quite a few hooks spat back @ me by some bigger models

    All taken on Squid or Bread

    Heaps of Mullet and Choppers on the surface getting spooked.

    Sorry no piccies this time

  6. G'day All,

    I have been having a go at the local whiting population lately,i have been getting some good fish,but a lot of unders, and overs for that matter,have been hooked very deep causing me to either cut the trace or maybe cause damage to the fish trying by to release it.

    So today i thought i would try some small circle hooks that i had laying around(#4 i think)and see how i went.Well,i did'nt catch as many fish,but all fish were of a better quality and all were pinned nicley in the corner of the jaw.

    From this little experiment,i have concluded that i will be using circle hooks a lot more especialy for my estuary fishing.


    Bruce :beersmile:

    P.s. Sorry,i forgot the bloody camera :ranting2:

    I have the same issues with Bream in my local rivers, I fish with size 8 and size 10 long shanks, the swallow rate is less than small suicides or occy hooks

    Prefer to stick with the long shanks though, am thinking of upgrading to size 4 for the bigger models.

    Still great fun on light line :)

  7. Nice job Johnny, top fun on light gear.

    Is that further upstream area affected by tides much???, only ask cause my local (Lane Cove and Parra Rivers) are really dependent on tide and moon.

    Have to catch up soon, will send you a PM

  8. Nice work Nathan!

    Gee I wish I could go fishing that often, I used to go 2 or 3 times a week but now only go once, and thats rain, hail or shine!

    Gotta love weekends where everything comes together and you just do ... :beersmile::beersmile::beersmile:

    Hope to get out again next weekend and chase those Parra jewies that keep evading me, I just cannot nail one, lolz :1badmood:

  9. Them tiny jewies they call them soapies cause they taste like soap

    is that right thats what ive herd anyway

    How old would a jew like that be?

    Wow love them bream they are monsters

    Wish i could catch fish like that :1yikes:

    well done guys


    ol :thumbup:

    You can catch Bream easily Jasmine, these are no monsters compared to the big blue-Nose models we get in late Autumn and Spring though.


    Fish with split shots or no lead and use the smallest hooks you can

    I used to be one of those who believed that "big hooks and baits means big fish" and I found although this is true for bigger jewies, bread'n'butter species like Bream, trevally and even flatties will take the smallest offerings and the good thing about light gear and small hooks is its almost guaranteed you will hook up immediately.

    Plenty of good bream and I have been averaging between 3-5 Bream per session in the last few weeks both on Parra River and also on Lane Cove River.

    Go get em they are there!

    Thanks everyone else for the replies I am stoked I have blooded my new ABU 8' 3kg flick rod and Okuma Flame F30 reel on some nice fish, hope next time the Flatties will play game.

    Tight lines! :1fishing1:

  10. We were LB, considering the spot we ended up @ isnt a "known" Jew hotspot we did pretty well.

    We have hooked BIG Jew there before but its a long way to the water and you need a long handled net to get them up to the deck.

    Still amazing fun and well done to my mate Eddie once again nailed the Jew :beersmile:

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