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Posts posted by fishgod

  1. I'll add a tip to your generous advise for the hawkesbo!

    Tip- bait presentation is always important. During a raging current that the hawkesbo provides, when using hawkesbo prawns or pillies. Half hitch the tail to the hook with your leader and it will prevent it bunching up!

    This is a proven method in that area and will result in more bites!

    Cheers scratchie!!!

    I was just stating that my mate Galini is extremley forgetfull

  2. You really dont have a clue what your talking about, however i hope our next trip is as fruitfull as the last - a few extra tips that we also follow.

    - if you fish at night dont bother trying for bream

    - 5 catfish in a row change spots ( they will not leave trust me )

    - If you are going to use prawns hawkesbury prawns are the go

    - If you catch more fish then your mate make him feel better by saying things such as " wow that bream you caught was thick as " or " OMG it has shoulders "

    other then that the most important thing is


    if your line needs changing - change it

    if your bait needs changing - change it

    and so on and so forth.

    Best of luck

    Bream reaper

  3. As you guys can probably tell I haven't use the boat for a while, I attached a pic of the problem. Is it possible that if I tighten the bolts on the inside It could fix the problem???

    Thanks in advance guys


  4. Hi all,

    I need some help guys. ill start by stating what i need.

    1. 9-10 ft overhead rod to match a Talica 2 for livebaiting on the rocks ( rod is required to be heavy 10-20kg or heavier ) Price really is not an issue aslong its under $800

    2. 9-10ft Spin rod for livebaiting on the rocks (rod is required to be heavy 10-20kg or heavier same price range.

    They are both required for fishing for kingfish and yes i know you can catch them with lighter tackle etc but where i fish the stones this is what i think i need.

    The only thing i could find that fit the description was a DAIWA lateo pirate, does anyone have or used or viewed a rod that will do what i need.

    I dont mind even looking at those fancy japanese rods (except i dont even know where to start looking on google for them)

    thanks for helping

  5. thanks guys ill get a pic up as soon as possible, and i was not going to attempt a home job just want to know what i was talking about before i go to get fixed so i dont get the run around.

  6. Hi everyone

    Im going to try and explain this the best i can!

    The eye ( i think its called ) the part where you hook the winch up to wind the boat up the trailer has dislodged. By dislodged i mean that the bottom part of the eye has pulled out of the fiberglass by only about 2 millimeters. Still however its out.

    Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix or possibly where to get it fixed and how much something like this would cost.

    And MOST IMPORTANTLY how does this even happen.

    Thanks guys.

  7. and ill add, our transducer thingy broke so we had no water temp no depths no bait balls no arches we simply thought were out here now used the gps to get approx 50k out and started trolling double hook up after about 10 minutes and went home

  8. Took 2 bluefin tuna one 33kg and one 27kg, and me and my mates are pretty amateur when it comes to deepsea adventures. Lures were both Lumo sprockets and was a double hook up. just goes to show you dont really have know what your doing just get out there and have a crack, both were taken approx 50km off shore (out of bermi).

  9. right smack bang in the middle of cecil hills (about 10-15minutes from smithfield) theres 2 ponds one massive one small. hit the smaller one throw bread in until u see them start eating off the surface then simply throw one in with a hook in it, key is to make sure it floats. cant go wrong not uncommon to catch 20 in a couple of hours, dont know how your going to go about disposing of them u might give quite a fright to all the mums and kids who laugh at u fishing because " theres no fish here" behold 5kg carp

  10. I was just wondering guys and gals if anyone has been on any liveaboard charters around Vanuatu and if they could possibly PM some names to me because im kind of going in blind and its alot of money dont really want to waste it. Was thinking of going around April next year kind of a 21st birthday present to myself.

    Thanks guys

  11. by no drag i mean little drag for example on a bait runner where u can set it enough so it doesnt just birds nest, i usually give them a bit of time before i set the hook but thats me. Of all the kingies i have hooked and brought up at pier 2 were on 30lb braid main line and 40lb leader they just seem to run out to deep water. If they do run to deep water try and play them out for aslong as you can stand to so when u do get it to the wharf its pretty nackered

  12. use a bonnie for bait live obviously, theres some decent size kings that swim past that wharf. I know every one there fights on locked drag when they hook kingies however i have brought up a few there and i find the best way is no drag at all they just seem to continue on there way and dnt run straight for cover

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