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Posts posted by fishgod

  1. Hey guys and gals I was planning to head around the sydney heads this weekend maybe long reef aswell and was just curious on your thoughts of how the rain will affect the kingfish and other general fishing in the area,


  2. hey guys, unfortunatley my best mate has had a motorbike accident recently and has sustained 25% burns to his body. he is finally able to return to normal life and has asked me to take him fishing this weekend (dependant on weather) he has never caught a kingfish and neither have i off a boat.

    i will however be taking my brothers boat out with him to the harbour which i have never fished before (usually the hawkesbury) i have got the gps co ordinates from the site but i was wondering if you fellow fishraiders could lend me a hand an either post or PM a few gps co ordinates either in the harbour or outside does not bother me. Thanks all in advance even if you give us a few handy tips thank you all

  3. just curious i was speaking to a guy at work and he said its only 6pm - 6am if ur within a 100 metres of the outlet but i reading up on it on the fisheries website and it doesnt mention anything about 100meters (well i didnt see it anywhere) once questioned he said that he got a fine there and thats what the fisheries officer told him????????

  4. From the description of your trip I would say you were at the hot water outlet at Eraring. Yes there are some big sharks there as well as many different unlikely species. I've seen Bulls, Hammers and the biggest Shovelnose I've ever seen. Some big rays that occasionally launch out of the water too. There are several confirmed reports of guys being bitten off through 200kg stainless wire, or the same report twice.

    Last August I witnessed guy hook up to a large Bull Shark on land based game gear and a livey and he was taken right out to the point and had not landed it when we left an hour later. I believe he did get it to shore for release.

    Someone killed a 7-8 ft Hammer there earlier this year and left it on the rocks with hook and trace still attached. No comment.

    I fished it by boat yesterday and there was one big boil right next to us about 150-200 meters out from the outlet.

    Youtube had some good footage if you enter Eraring and Shark for a search. One showed a hammer cruising up the channel in clear water and another showed a boat being towed around by another one.

    I have also seen Hammers cruising around Pulbah Island and one very large shark in the distance, species unknown.

    A local butcher told me of a guy who goes to him for burley scraps who has caught a Tiger Shark in the lake. He doesn't let his kids ski or tube around anymore.

    Apparently there has only been one fatality in the lake and that was at the WWII Seaplane base in Rathmines. Not sure when though.

    There are several resident turtles, one of which I have hooked on a pilly and gang hooks. Obviously he busted me off after coming up to look at me.

    I've seen a couple of Threadfin Trevally caught and heard of species including cobia, giant herring, queenfish although they are not common.

    hey noodles im not sure if we are talking about the same place i will double check on google maps but the warm water outlet im reffering is the one near vales point power station with the most dodgy looking boat ramp i have ever seen lol

  5. Let me get this straight... you thought the bull sharks were 'normal' and the 60cm trevally as abnormal?

    I'm not sure which body of water you are speaking about so cannot say bout the trevally though 60cm is :1yikes:.... but I would'nt be calling bull sharks scaring a family out of the water normal.....:thumbup:

    By normal i mean believable as in bullsharks can be found almost anywhere.. does anyone the rules and regulations about fishing this area because of the warm water outlet

  6. wat about the diamond trevally, like i might come across as possibly naive but is it necessary to get out of the water if ur on a 8ft tinny if there are bullsharks do they become aggressive towards boats... and people wade there which is the scary thing

  7. Hey guys i was just wondering what you thing about this. Was on the way to Newcastle the other night and driving the f3 when i though to stop as it was still afternoon and go for a look at the warm waters theres usually people fishing and is generally a good stop revive survive spot 2 relax for abit. Soon enough theres 3 bull sharks cruising around in the shallows about 6-8ft now that part i thought was normal or atleast not out of the ordinary. Soon after the appearence of the bullsharks there was a guy a fishing in a tinny about the same size as the shark who has beached his boat as he had children on board and was worried. I then proceeded to ask him how he went he then pulls a 60cm diamond trevally out of the eski this i thought was weird is it possible... is it normall... was it lost... what do you think....

    p.s. if someone told me this story i wouldnt have believed them in a 100000 years but i saw it and i still dont believe it

  8. hey fishraiders im currently searching the market for a 5-10 kg rod for using soft plastics on atm the one i have in my mind is the shimano jewel anyone know much about this rod or even some ideas would be helpfull about other rods in which to look at and just to narrow it down abit i dont want 2 be spending more then 300 thanks guys

  9. i used one off pier 2 just for abit of fun, to get a feel for it and caught 2 legal flatties which spun me out abit... nonetheless i wasnt complaining havent really had the chance to use it over a reef yet

  10. hey fishraiders, a few months ago i saw a map of stockton beach with various places to fish marked on it i am pretty sure i saw it on fishraider but i cant remember what i typed in the search bar i tryed almost everything i could think of to find it again was wondering if anyone could give me a hand in finding it again as i am travelling up there soon and defenitley need this info as i dont know anyone up there, also any info would be appreciated on that particular area, ill be chasing jewies. thanks heaps guys

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