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Everything posted by Victor78

  1. The lake is full of fish at the moment they have been catching Kings under the road bridge at windang the last week or so in the mornings
  2. hi Aaron Just an idea mate if your fishing the same spot both days off the weekend alot You should buy yaself a van and put a bed and 12volt fridge in it. Since i brought my van its great i can go fishing at the same spot for days without wasting petrol travelling back and forth, i can sleep and eat when i want. The 12volt fridge keeps my catch fresh and keeps my beer and food cold. Just park near a public toliet as it saves crapping in the bushes at night
  3. Hi all Has any1 seen or heard what the weather, swell and wind reports are for the easter break this week end?????
  4. Steve its possible to catch on lures bream, flathead, whiting, bass, estuary perch, talior and at times jewfish in Chippo lakes.
  5. its a float only area its snaggy as hell at coal cliff except 1 or 2 places but your cast has to be right on the money
  6. hi Mate Stanwell Park beach is a good place to fish its similar to Bombo. Easy parking, veiwing platform on the the northern side and plenty of holes and gutters
  7. Nice Jewfish mate thats a fish to be Proud off
  8. Hi Steve I got ya message i cant txt back cus my phone is broken ill buy a new 1 berfore Easter. sounds like a nice combo you brought it would be orsome to catch a Bonito on it. The best place to learn to lure fish with plastics and hard bodies is at Chipping Norton lake as there is no current there and you can learn the action and pauses of lures there very easysly plus you might catch someyhing decent there too. I might head out to Black Rock tomorrow as it surpossed to rain most of next week
  9. Hi All I went for a fish off the rocks today doing a bit of Live Baiting. It wasnt a bad day i fought a big shark for about an hour or so berfore he bite me off and i caught a 83cm kingfish. Over the years ive caught many Kings nothing over a meter yet and when i clean them i take note whats in there stomachs. Ive found whitebait, Pilchards, yellowtail, mackrel, garfish, squid, bonito and frigates in most Kingfish stomachs but the 1 a caught today had 3 Sand Whiting in there about 20cm long something ive never seen. Maybe whiting are the No. 1 live bait Has anybody else seen anything out of place or weird stuff in a Fish they have caught and cleaned?????
  10. Hi Dezmo Your right Dezmo boats cant see my bobby cork i was very peed off yesterday cause i lost over 200m of line getting busted off by a boat. Not ALL BOAT ANGLERS are that bad most ppl on boats do move out the way after some waving and pointing out where my float is. This is the reason why i wanna go back to using a balloon as a float as it is very visable to see from a distance away. Boat anglers try to fish as close as they can to the rocks and rock anglers try to get as far away as possible it will be a never ending battle but with a little coperation which each other we can all fish in peace and catch BIG fish
  11. Most of them traps offshore are Snapper Traps
  12. Hi All I do a fair bit of LBG and for the last few years i been using a big bobby cork as a float to drift my live Bonitos out which seem to work great but the problem i have lately is that boats trolling along the rocks cant see my bobby cork and head straight towards my line which is a 100 to 200m out from the rocks and it ends up in a yelling match and a Fisty cuff discussion at the boat ramp later in the day. I used to use a ballon attached to a free sliding ezy rig which was stopped by the uni knot where my trace and line tied togther. The problem i used to have with this rig set up was that the ballon and the main line used to twist and wrap around each causing a big knot which on a hook up on a fish used to snap on me. My question is that i wanna know how to set up a Ballon as a float for LBG so boats can clearly see where my live bait is but with out getting tangles and twists from a ballon wrapping around my main line????? And also why do Jockeys in there boats come so close to the rocks for???? There is a big ocean out there with plenty of room in it and ive only got a tiny fraction of an area to fish in
  13. Hi all I spoke to Fisheries today and they said its perfectly legal to keep Port Jackson Sharks and Blind Sharks to eat its only the Wobbygong Shark that is pretected. Next time i come up empty on the Snapper of the rocks ill be taking 1 of this critters home and i hope they taste as good as Banjo Sharks and Shovel nose Sharks do
  14. Well done mate thats a rare LBG catch The water is so warm off the coast this year anything is possible and you proved it. Im a fellow LBG fisherman and your right you dont need a boat to catch quality fish off the rocks the fish come to you
  15. Stanwell Park beach is a beach and no you cant catch yellowtail there but you can catch tailor and salmon off there. I normally use frozen or salted bait ive caught myself and froze fresh. If Stanwell park is to far for you to travel find a beach closer to you to fish as most deep beaches hold jewfish at certain times of the year which area do you live in Champ?????
  16. Thank God that the Fisheries Inspectors finally turned up at Bass piont i been ringing them every day for the last 2 months and reporting ppl keeping over there bag limit on Bonito or killing them then leaving them scattered over the rocks as they leave and keeping under size Kings and other species of fish. Some ppl just have no RESPECT it makes me sick :ranting2: :ranting2:
  17. Hi mate I would recommend going to Stanwell Park beach it produces jewfish and has a reputation of big fish getting landed all the species you metioned get caught at Stanwell Park as well Before you start fish take note as you drive down the hill to get there its easy to spot holes and gutters or have a look from the cliff top on the right hand side of the beach as its easier to spot any holes and gutters to fish in on the beach. pm me if you need a third fisherman
  18. Hi Steve Sorry for the late reply i been busy with some legal things going on. By the sounds off it you hooked a groper they dont budge an inch thats why you need 50 pound line + to pull them out. there are plenty off groper down at Black Rock but winter time is the best time for them. Give me a buzz the day before you head down to Black rock im always keen for a fish mate
  19. Hi All Ive been catching heaps of bottom dewelling sharks off late bottom fishing the rocks and been throwing them back in and I was just wondering is it legal to keep Port Jackson and Blind Sharks to take home to eat??? Do they have a size limit and bag limit on them if they are legal to keep????
  20. personally i use a TLD 50, TLD 30, TLD 20 depening on what im chasin when i go LBG off the rocks they have lasted me 10years or so. you cant go wrong with shimano ive never had a problem with any of them not once
  21. I caught a 12cm jewfish off the bank just past pinic point on saturday morning
  22. Hi All Im going fishing down the coast for a couple of days this week. I was gonna live bait of the rocks during the day and fish for jews of the beach at night The question is what is the best set up to fish for Jews of the beach??? Should i use a ball sinker running straight to the hook??? or a ball sinker, swivel, trace then hook??? or a 1 hook pananosta rig with a star sinker???? or any other rig that anybody knows Ill be using fillets of bonito or squid heads depending on what i get off the rocks that day.
  23. I went out to Black Rock with my dad today we fished on the northern side facing wollongong. we ended up catching 4 talior, 9 bonito, 1 salmon and 8 trevally. The fish are everywhere down there at the moment
  24. Yea Steve spinning keeps you busy and saves having little fish wasting ya pilchards until its dark for Taloirs. Give it time a big kingie will hit the live yellowtail soon enough. Maybe you should be spinning with your Spheros reel and put some Braid on it i think it would cast further and handle the fish a bit better but its up to you mate
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