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Everything posted by Victor78

  1. Pantonga creek has nippers and worms in it
  2. Hi All i wish thinking of giving Chipping Norton lake a go for Blackfish for couple of hours tommora and was just wondering wether any1 has been out there and knows what the condition of the water is like after all this rain we have had lately???? Is it worth ending out there or should i wait till this southerly settles down and go rock fishin Thurs or Friday
  3. Hi Steve What size Glow sticks where we using at night see our floats with. They worked heaps good i wanna buy some of my own
  4. The Brown Groper was 43cm it was caught on 10kg mono i got busted off by a bigger groper a few hours before landing that fish Are Brown and Red Groper Female fish and Blue Groper Male Fish or are they 3 different Species of fish?????
  5. Thanks for the advice fellas i think i fish in spots that are too deep of the rocks i fish of a lot of the LBG ledges ill try for them in shallow water
  6. I agree with Slinky they make great bait for Pelagic fish of all sorts the only down fall is there cost. To fish it Put a whole Garfish on a gang of 4 hooks, wrap the beak to the top gang with some spider cotton so it stays sturdie then cast it out and bring in like a popper splashing on the surface thats how the BIG Kings love it i learned it from Alex Bellismo. If the fish are slow that day or if you wanna troll them put a rubber squid over the head of the gar to give it exra colour.
  7. Any way it was a nice fish there should be plenty of more Bonito for you to come Give me a buzz if you wanna go out again mate
  8. Hi All I planned to go fishing at Bass piont today but when i got there the gates where closed due to road works from the 22/02/10 to the 28/02/10 which is a good thing because that dirt road has millons of big pot holes in it with all the rain we been getting latley I ended up fishing the rocks at Gerrigong boat harbour catching 1 Bonito 4 Squid and 1 brown Groper it was a nice day out
  9. Well done Steve the fish looked like a 4kg model how long was it????
  10. They love that corn i find bread works the best. I love catching carp pound for pound they pull as hard as any fish out there and they make great garden fertilizer
  11. Hi Rick Im a pretty average nigga fishamen i seem to catch a fair few fish in the georges river at certain times of the year but when i try for them of the ocean rocks around the illawarra area i have no luck. I only seem to catch those peskie werrie fish i think they are called and some drummer but never any nigs. Do you have any tips on catching them of ocean rocks ie: types of areas i should be fishing, water depths and times of day to target them Any information would be appriecated
  12. there some nice Whiting mate your eating well tonight
  13. Hi Booker There are heaps of places to get shore based squid in the areas you wanna go. In botany boy you can try of bare island, the grones at kurnnel or on the sydney side off Captian cook bridge even down at como at times. In the hacking lilli pilli wharf is good and the wharf at bundeena is very good for big squid in winter. Most of the boat ramps in the hacking have a wharf at the boat ramps any of those should have squid at night. really any wharf that has lights blurring into water at night is a great place for squid Goodluck
  14. Thats a nice size fish mate those carp fight very well on light gear. What bait where you using???
  15. Victor78


    Hi All I went for fish today at Bombo the seas were still big with the waves crashing over the top and the water was still murky from all the rain we have had. I tried spinning for a while and only got 1 Talior to begggin with cus the top layer was very dirty then i fished the bottom and caught 2 trevally and 1 snapper. Finally when the tide started to run out the water cleared up and then i caught 4 bonito. It was a nice day on the water Jesus loves you xox
  16. Personally i fish of the rocks and Im not really sure how its fishing offshore at the moment. Ive been catching bonito,Frigates,kings,snapper,trevalley and leather jackets of the rocks the last month or so a bit furher south. Ive seen guys in boats weighing Marlin, tuna and sharks at the boat ramps lately so maybe you might get lucky Good luck mate
  17. Is that of the rocks or in a boat??? The seas are surpossed to be calm and its gonna be sunny they reckon
  18. Hi Mate If you dont wanna eat the Bonito i usually try to catch them at the start of a fishing trip and use them as fresh bait filleted and cut into strips. What ever bonito i have left over for the day i put salt on them then put in my Beer fridge and use them for my next fishin trip. Just use the bonito like you would baiting up pieces of pilchard. Any fish that will eat a pilchard will eat bonito as bait too.
  19. Hi mate Was that the little tiger you caught at windang???? Was is off the beach or inside the lake
  20. Hi Steve Kiama was pretty quite in the harbour there werent many ppl around but Bass point was full as usual Ill be going fishing on friday give me a buzz so we can work somin out for the weekend mate
  21. Good Catch Mate Your Holding up some nice Kings there
  22. Hi All I went fishing with my dad off the Breakwall at Kiama Harbour yesterday the seas where to big to fish off the rocks. We ended up with 2 decent Trevally around the 40cm mark and 1 big leather jacket plus about 4 or so big fights and bust ups with the local sting ray population We stopped into Bass Point on the way home to have a look and they had rock pools full of Bonito. Me and my dad started to have a fish but gave up as to many tangles where happening. Jesus Loves You xOx
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