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Posts posted by paul.kenny

  1. Hi raiders,

    Finally picked up my boat and minn kota after both were in the shop for repairs over the last couple of weeks. As a consequence, Bassboy and I were finally able to head out for a fish early Saturday morning. Due to the weather prediction of high winds we decided to focus on EPs, bream and possibly jewies in the Georges River.

    We hit the water just on first light and headed straight to a number of deep holes to try for jewies. The tide was at the back end of the run out and we worked hard for an hour with our SPs for a couple of half hearted bumps. After losing a couple of SPs to the rock monsters we decided to switch to smaller SPs for bream and EPs. The change to the good old 80mm bloodworm wriggler brought immediate success and we were able to catch four EPs ranging from 22cm – 29cm before the boat traffic brought an end to the bite. The EPs were interspersed with a Bream and a couple of feisty tailor that were up to 29cm long.

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    As the tide turned and the boat traffic increased considerably we decided to call it quits and were home for lunch. Whilst it was a slow morning it was great to be out on the boat again.

  2. Awesome trip and great report lads.....those Bass must have been real hungry :thumbup: . That is a sweetwater trip most of us dream of and Glenbawn's Bass look like they have enjoyed a good winter. Thanks for sharing your experience.

    PS what was the water temperture like for most of the trip?

  3. Hi Jimmy10, I spent last Christmas chasing barra in the impoundments (see my gallery for photos of barra caught in Teemburra) and found some of the best sessions were during the rain, although I was in a boat. I assume the water levels are up in the impoundments? Fishing the edges of the impoundments might be an option as the Barra and Sooties move into the recently flooded vegetation to feed.

  4. Rob - Great flattie session and congratulations on your PB flattie :thumbup: . The conditions looked perfect....I love fishing mid-week and I am very jealous of you :biggrin2: .

    I can't wait for my boat to come out of the shop and my Minn Kota to come back from Brisbane, hopefully I will have them back in the water by the last weekend of November.

  5. Congratulations on your first outing in your kayak and catching kingies as well :clapping:. It must have been a fantastic feeling to find the kingies under the kayak and then immediately catch an 80cm specimen. :biggrinthumb:

  6. Awesome post Fryboy and good on you for taking the measures to avoid stressing the mother and her calf :thumbup: .

    PS - You should have had your keys out for a close photo of the whale to claim the fish of the month :074: , oh but whales aren't fish....still would have been a great 'fish of the month submission'.

  7. Great to see you back out on the water, it must be satisfying to start with a very successful outing. You did well considering the colour of the water flowing through the Georges at the moment (certainly very brown around Pleasure Point). Congratulations on releasing the big breeder - it will mean more flatties for the future :thumbup:

  8. Hey Basscatcher -

    Yup - that was me and my mate on Saturday morning fishing in the pouring rain without any cover on the boat! It was just like having an cold outdoor shower!

    You must have been in the boat with the electric motor ? Next time come over and say hi.

    It was the perfect day today... sunny, warm, flat seas with fish jumping everywhere - what more can you ask for?



    Hi Trung - yep we were in the boat with the electric motor. Obviously the big lizards were close in on Saturday as we only caught a couple of 35cm trevs and lots of small reddies. If I see you out next time we will come over to say hi.

  9. The weather is terrible and the estuaries look like chocolate milk :ranting2: , but I did get out today to try the Georges R for some hard won success. Staying out of the wind and trying to stay in touch with the lure was a real challenge but we persisted and were rewarded with 4 decent EPs, 2 legal bream and a couple of 35cm flatties....all released back into the chocolate milk :biggrin2:.

    I hope tomorrow is better :wacko: .

  10. Hi Louis,

    I have towed a 4.5m side console aluminium tinnie with a 40hp 2 stroke using a Nissan Pathfinder 2.5l Diesel. Last Christmas I towed the boat (with camping gear inside the boat) from Sydney to Mackay QLD and back without any difficulties. The Cruz may have problems towing a 4.6m boat at top speed along undulating roads, but you should be ok if it is just along local roads.

  11. Mako - it is always a good sign for WB fishing when your yak re-appears in the Bay :biggrin2: .

    I had the same experience with the surface lures in WB a couple of weeks ago with a number of half hearted strikes and follows....unfortunately the weekend weather does not look good for WB surface fishing.

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