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Posts posted by paul.kenny

  1. Hi Raiders,

    I am looking at upgrading my electric motor set up by purchasing the I-Pilot for my bow mount Minn Kota and was wondering whether any fellow raiders have had any experience with the I-Pilot yet? All of the reports on the Barra and Bass sites seem pretty good and I thought it would be good for my next bass & barra trip in January next year, whilst also useful for holding position during surface fishing sessions for bream in the estuaries and Botany Bay. I would appreciate any comments or opinions on the I-Pilot!

  2. Well done Steve - I reckon the statement 'a bad day fishing is better than a good day at work' holds true for shopping with the :wife: . I love fishing around the Gold Coast.....soooo many options from Bass in the Hinterland, Jacks + bream + flatties (croc proportions)in the estuaries and snapper + palegics offshore :biggrin2:

  3. Have a look at the stacer 449 northern fisher

    I( wouldnt look at hornets or similar if you want to chase reddies as well as bream

    Pete - I would tend to agree with the Iceman. I love my Stessco TSF420 Basstracker for impoundment and estuary work. It is very stable under the electric in chop and a great stable casting platform with two lure anglers in the same conditions, but these features make it hard work and uncomfortable when travelling at speed in 'decent chop' on Botany Bay. I have also been impressed with the stacer pro-range, but have not been in one in decent chop (only been in one fishing barra impoundments). My next boat will probably be a trailcraft profish 485 or the like due to it's versatility, but that versatility comes at some expense (my stessco cost $20k fitted versus $35k for the trailcraft).

  4. Still a great fish non the less mate!

    When are you comin to the Nepean river to chase some bass? im going to try on Friday to see if there are a couple around and will defiantly be targeting them weekday arvo's when its daylight savings

    I am planning to give the Nepean a crack a bit later in the year when the water warms up a tad. Also planning for a long weekend trip to the Hunter Valley impoundments in late October....I have had great success in previous years during October.

  5. That's definitely an EP. The forehead isn't steep enough to be a bass, and the mouth is so far projected forward it must be an EP.

    I initially thought the same, however the anal fin looks more like a Bass anal fin and the head is not as 'scooped' as the previous models of EP that I have caught. I looked at all my Bass photos and thought the colour and fins were more bass like (noting the compressed photo makes the fish look elongated)...I have now looked at a number of 'hybrid reports' and I reckon it could be an EP/Bass hybrid. Regardless it was enjoyable to catch on finesse bream gear with 4lb leader and braid :biggrin2: .

    Well done on your catch, Basscatcher - that is one sort of surprise that I like!!! EP or Bass - it would have loaded up your rod well! :biggrin2:


    It was a great fight and I was worried that it would get back down against the rock wall and cut me off. I hope they reappear in numbers once the water warms.

  6. Hi Raiders,

    It looked promising for the Georges River today with a high passing over NSW and the water slightly warmer (between 13.8 and 15degrees). It was a coolish start at 6am and I visited all my normal winter holes in the mid Georges River flicking SPs and Blades. I started flicking large SPs for Jewies but after losing the tail off three large stick baits to hoards of tailor :ranting2: I decided to use blades for Bream, EPs and flatties. Unfortunately the tailor also took a liking to the blades :thumbdown: and I caught half a dozen of them ranging from 20cm - 30cm.......annoying but the bigger versions were fun on the bream gear :biggrin2: .

    I found the water around the wires at Lugarno to be slightly warmer at 9am (incoming tide and 14.9 degrees) and decided to dwell around the deeper holes. I was getting many subtle taps but no tailor, so I decided to change from the blades to a smaller SP wriggler.....this strategy immediately paid off and I got solid tap followed by a very powerful run. Firstly I thought it might have been a large bream or small jewie, but as I gained line I saw a little silver before another powerful dive......I then called it for a large EP only to be surprised to see it was a bass.


    As my name suggests, I love catching bass and was very surprised to catch this fine wild river specimen in the Georges :1yikes: . 31 cm for a wild river Bass is a great catch and I was delighted and after a quick photo it was released to fight another day. It was my only decent fish of the day as the remainder of the morning was a succession of small tailor and flatties.

    It was a great morning out, however the jetskiers are now starting the hit the Georges River in numbers......a sign that I will have to start fishing Botany Bay again.

  7. Well done getting the young fella onto a couple of nice lizards. Looks like a nice arvo out there.

    PS - lets hope the deals between the green man and the lady don't see a cancelation of our sport.......I wonder if the lady will let us play our sport if I wear an AFL Bulldogs jersey :biggrin2:

  8. Nice fish and congratulations on releasing them. I was at my sons rugby match at Camden at about 11am when a big front blew in with hail and strong wind......thought to myself 'I'm glad I not out on the water' :biggrin2: but obviously it was ok earlier in the day.

  9. Well done fellas - looks like it was a fantastic day on the water and it appears the fish must have also been impressed by the weather. Johno - congratulations on your first Trevally and your following PB :thumbup: .

    I wonder why there are so many fish in the Cooks River at the moment. Did you notice if the water temperature was markedly warmer in the River compared to the Bay?

  10. Welcome back Pmak and congratulations getting your young fella onto his new PB bream.

    It won't be long before the bream will be in Wooloware Bay in numbers and we might even get some on the surface :biggrin2:

    I look forward to reading about your overseas fishing exploits.

  11. What a great catch! Must have been cold...did you get a sounder reading on the temperature?

    Rob - yes I was watching the temperature on my sounder as I moved upstream - the water temperature at Como was 12.3 degrees whereas it was 13.5 degrees at Lambeth. Both locations were still in shadow, however there is a good back current at Lambeth.

  12. Hi Raiders,

    With the weather forecast looking good, the high tide just after sunrise and a high pressure system hanging around I decided to give the Georges River another crack. Today was about testing blades against SPs and I only planned a short session as I had to drop the boat off for a service.

    After a bitterly cold start just before sunrise I tried all of my normal haunts following the last of the rising tide up the Georges River. I tried Como, Lugarno and Picnic Point for only a couple of subtle touches. I was noticing that the water was warmer the further upstream I fished and decided to try Lamberth at the top of the tide. The water in this area was one degree warmer than Como, so I tossed out a blade and was immediately rewarded with a nice 49cm flattie.


    During the next hour and half I pulled 12 nice flatties from the same area :biggrin2: . They ranged from 45cm - 25cm and were all in good condition. Whilst on this consistent bite I tried metal blades, soft blades and SPs....interestingly all the fish were taken on soft and metal blades.




    The bite slowed as the run out tide gathered pace so I decided to head down stream to Lugarno again. Once again I noticed warmer water near my favorite hole and decided to toss a few more blades. My third cast into a back eddie with a MF40 and I hooked my first ever Blackfish....boy do they go on light gear :yahoo:


    I caught a second (smaller) Blackfish from the same area, this time he fell victim to a small metal blade :thumbup: .

    I persisted in the same area working for a bream or a EP and was delighted to catch a nice 25cm EP on a metal blade.


    After numerous boats roared past the hole it finally went quiet and I was convinced to pack up when a flotilla of eight Jet Skis roared by..... it was time to go home a content fisherman :biggrin2: .

    PS - All the fish were released to fight another day.

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