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Posts posted by paul.kenny

  1. Hi Raiders,

    I took advantage of the improved weather over the weekend and headed out by myself early on Sunday morning with a plan for a dawn surface lure session amongst the oyster leases in Woolooware Bay. As I launched the boat I noted that the water temperature was only 19 degrees and immediately knew that it a surface bite was unlikely. I decided to focus on hard bodies amongst the racks.

    The morning started with a slight breeze as the tide rose amongst the Oyster Racks of Woolooware Bay and I worked hard bodies, mainly Atomic Baby Cranks, Cultiva Mira Shads and Berkley 3B divers. I decided to work racks deeper in the bay as the tide flooded them, slowly working the racks in 3 – 5 feet of water.

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    For the first two hours after dawn I caught half a dozen sub 25cm Bream and a couple of sub 30 cm flatties. As the water got deeper the water temperature rose to 21 degrees and I started to get more interest from larger Bream with a couple of large fish following the lure out of the racks right to the boat. I decided to slow my retrieve and add a number of pauses with my suspending Cultiva Mira Shad. This change paid immediate dividends with a 35cm Bream taking my lure as it was paused in the front of a bank of disused racks.

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    This was a completely different approach from two weeks ago when the Bream would only take moving lures. I continued to catch Bream using the retrieve and pause technique amongst the disused racks, but mostly smaller bream with only one other large Bream. The Bream went off the bite as the tide neared its peak.

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    Bassboy then joined me to fish the turn of the tide and the run out. We worked submerged rock walls and disused racks for a number of missed strikes and a couple of small Bream. Unfortunately the fishing became more difficult as the wind picked up just after midday and it became difficult to hold a position near the racks. The last legal fish of the session was a 50cm flattie that took an Atomic Baby Crank Deep retrieved close to a rock wall.

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    Overall it was a good morning session amongst the racks of Woolooware Bay and I learnt again that sometimes it just takes a small adjustment to your retrieve to bring success.

  2. I agree Juggs, the grease doesn't just disappear. A good service once a year does the trick and I kinda enjoy servicing the trailer during those windy and wet winter weekends......it is quite satisfying to be doing something with the boat despite the weathers best efforts to defeat me :)

  3. Greg, I spent my Christmas holidays fishing the Dams around Mackay and had much better success on the large Barra than those in the Southern Dams. Kinchant Dam was absolutely firing during the last couple of weeks of December and through January.

  4. yup - thats were i will be headed on sunday cuz saturday is blowing a gale !

    I was fishing around towra last week and there were plenty of flatties to 75cm on plastics...

    Can't wait... its been to long between wetting a line...


    Hi Trung, If you see a blue stessco side console boat on Sunday come over and say hi....I think I will be concentrating on the oyster racks in Woolooware Bay.

    cheers Paul

  5. Sounds like a great session guys. Lucky you found your window to act. I've been out of action for weeks and was hoping to get out this weekend but looks like it's another miss!

    Hi Pmak, I noticed that it has been a while since your last report. It looks like next weekend will be no better for fishing.

  6. Well done, guys! Isn't it fun fishing all that structure!! Just chuck it near & HANG ON!! They are always there, hiding under the racks & behind the poles!


    I agree Roberta, the Bream gave a good account for themselves from amongst the racks and poles. I have previously donated plenty of HB lures to the Woolooware Bay racks, but this time the fishing gods were kind and we didn't loose any.

  7. Hi Horgs,

    I reckon Squidgy 85mm Bloodworm Wrigglers are the great all-rounder in our estuaries. Can be fished with using a slow roll (retrieve) or hopping across the bottom. There are a number of great posts about the use of SPs in the saltwater lure fishing section that help, but nothing beats trial and error.

    Good luck with the SPs.....I certainly have been converted and have not used bait for over 5 years.

  8. Thought I would add to Bassboys report with the photos from our checky Monday session:

    - The average water temp was 22degrees, although when we started the water temp was as low as 21.2degrees.

    - We had success during both the run in and the run out tide, although the bulk of the bigger fish were taken during the run out tide.

    - The successful lures were 3B Fat Dogs, Atomic Baby Cranks and Cultiva Mira Shads.

    - Unfortunately we had no luck with our surface lures.

    I was actually surprised that the water was not as dirty as I had expected and it was certainly cleaner in Woolooware Bay compared to the Georges River. We were expecting continuously fouled hooks on our HB lures due to debris in the water, however it did not happen once during the session.

    You will notice that we are wearing rain jackets in the last photos due to showers blowing through during the last 2hours of the session :1badmood: . We also got soaked from a quick rain squall that hit us all the way back to the boat ramp, luckily the rain was warm :biggrin2: .

    Despite the rain it was a great day on the water, all the more enjoyable by the fact that all the fish were wrestled from the oyster racks without the loss of a single HB lure :wacko: .

    The first fish from the racks on a glorious morning:

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    We caught a number of small bream and flatties before this one later in the morning:

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    This big bream was taken from deep in the racks as the tide started to run out:

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    The bream kept biting during the rain and these fish were some of the larger fish:

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    cheers Basscatcher

  9. Great effort chasing the trout. I would have been happy with the big Bass, but there is nothing like the taste of success when you get your target species :thumbup:

    I wonder if the big Bass also came out of the dam? Were they also banged up like the trout?

  10. What a great fish to catch during a quick 'decompression' session :thumbup: ......my attempt at decompression was listening to the cricket as I was driving home :ranting2: . Yours was definitely better than mine :biggrin2: .

    Good on you for releasing it.

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