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Posts posted by GH1952

  1. We will be going out Tuesday for sure plans may change and we may head to Norah canyons just have to see what happens with the charts

    If anybody wants to come along pm me or scratchie it will be on a cost share arrangement.

    We have three of us already so another two fish raiders would be good

    Call sign is any fin on 21

  2. Thinking twelve mile in the morning for a jig

    Browns for a couple of drops then out to heatons for a troll then have a cube late in the afternoon.

    If any other raiders want to tag along either in there boat to swap intel or hop a ride on any-fin let us know

  3. Weathers looking good next Monday and Tuesday for a run out wide

    Any raiders thinking of going out.

    I think any-fin will go out one of the days just have to organise a crew.

    Scratchie let me know if you want to come out unless your off to Mexico


  4. Just like to thank scratchie, Ian, trout stalker and vo2c88 for a great day out

    We worked pretty hard for that fish and in the end it all came together

    Really enjoyed everybody's company and you are all more than welcome back on board any time

    The company was great and it was made all the better when we got the fish

    Cheers gerry

  5. We were out north of heatons in 500 Fa on Thursday.

    Heard marine rescue talking to some sailboat that said the wind was going to blow up in the late afternoon. The thing is when we checked the forcast in the morning on willy and seabreeze the forcast was for 15-20Konts which is quite fishable in our boat.

    To cut a long story short it was very quite with only one yellow fin caught near us and a very wet and rough ride home.

    One of the crew has damaged his ribs and five of us were pretty sore wet and sorry when we got back to pittwater .

  6. I agree with divey and scratchie they taste pretty bad.

    The marlin we are talking about was a little black about 65kgs and was filleted and on ice within ten minutes of being brought into the boat.

  7. Looking for people to fish with this Wednesday to have a go at the yellow, blue fin off browns out to heatons. Fishing out of 36 black watch , I have the gear so no need to bring any but your more welcome to bring your own if you want to. Share costs which would work out to about $120.00 per head with six on board to $160.00 with only four of us.

    Will be leaving from Pitt water about 6am and returning after dark.

  8. Fished yesterday between the bait station and browns.

    Found bait just before the bait station and worked it for about an hour with no results.On the troll down to browns had a good sized dolphin fish have alook at one of our lures but missed and did'ent come back for a second look.

    That was it for our day had a good run back to pitt water with the wind up our tailpipe.' Try again next week but will propably go north.

  9. Nice boat

    Just be extra carefull with the side window installation as mine are a pain in the backside with water leaks in a moderate sea although ours is a 36 not 40.

    we have furuno gps plotter, sounder, and radar over twin screens and couldent be happier.

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