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Everything posted by Pongrass18ft

  1. Nice adventure boys. Great pics. I gave the cod a go last year while I was in Dubbo in the Macquarie River but didn't have any luck. We only got bass and some shrimps. But was a great family trip.
  2. I know but doesn't meet the requirements. For me though, it was a tasty catch of the year Family feast on it's own. Can't wait to get out there again.
  3. Hi Neil Tried hard but not happening. I feel the pain. Can't complain though, self employed and work is keeping me busy. Chris
  4. Hi Andrew, Thanks for that. I'll add it to the fishraider record. Sounds good.
  5. Thanks. You know me when there's no work (which isn't often) I'm out on the water. The Chrissy break will be good.
  6. Hi Dave Been a workaholic in 2016, can't complain though. The Goat fish was an amazing site to see in the water, it's equal to the red gurnards which I have let go every time I have caught them but this poor goaty had to come home as I was well over buying fish. The Macko was a beauty, you never know when they are going to pop up and not far from my boat was a man paddling a kayak.
  7. I've never seen one that size, it was nice to bring it in. Tasted great too, baked in the oven.
  8. The fish was very tasty compared to eating from the fish shops. Kids made a short way of the Trevally, they love it cut as sushimi.
  9. Thanks Stephan. Can count my fishing trips this year on my left hand. It's great to be out on the water fishing.
  10. Hi Raiders It's been a while so just thought I'd put in a report on my last Wednesday's trip to the Hacking. Fished Bate Bay early morning and was happy with anything really as haven't been able to get out in a while due to work commitments. Tried all different reef areas in the bay on the drift and found it was very quiet until around lunchtime where I started my berley trail in the northern side of the bay. Anchored up in 60ft of water. It was a nice feeling pulling up fish (haven't done that in a while). From 12.30pm to 2.30pm I was able to bring up some Trevally, Snapper, Black Spotted Goat Fish (which is a first for me), Flathead and a few squid and the usual reefies. The finishing touch to the day was having a very large Macko come up to the boat which I got him on the heavy gear with a floating pillie soaked in tuna oil which gave me awesome fun and then released him boat side. Only used Pilchard for bait. Was a great day out. As us Greek's will say "to barbouni irthe spiti". Sorry, only have pictures of the goat fish as fishing took over that day.
  11. Wow they are nice looking trag. Have only ever caught one fishing in eden years back while snapper fishing, will make for a few nice dinners. Chris.
  12. Plenty to go round Groper you are a freak you always find them. Hanging for some fun on the water in a few months, catch up soon. Chris.
  13. Nice morning to be on the water Dave and a great mixed quality feed too. Haven't wet a line in ages myself due to work overload, soon I hope. Hopefully the fish stay on for a while before the water cools off. Chris.
  14. Fine bag of fish Dave, those bream look so tasty Chris .
  15. Hi Andrew, many years ago I installed a bilge pump to my 18ft pongrass I owned. What I did was cut a section out of the rear floor and there is plenty of room for you to put a bilge pump in. And I then just sica flexed a Perspex sight window over the hole neatly to close the opening. Chris.
  16. Nothing beats a feed of flatties great fishing. Chris.
  17. Consistent weekly feed Dave, bet a lot of boats did zeroes amongst the traffic and noise. I can't bring myself to eat those gurnards they look so bloody nice, groper pounced on my last one he wasn't letting it go. Chris.
  18. Great snapper, always nice to go home with a quality fish. Moving around till you find the fish helps a lot great work Chris.
  19. They said you can join us, your most welcome .
  20. Thanks crispy fishing with family is awesome but having the boys gather a bag of fish is a treat. Chris.
  21. Those little snapper sure entertained them through the first part of the trip, one after the other. Chris.
  22. Thanks Dave, Kids had a ball, even releasing undersized fish with proper respect to grow bigger they are learning fast. Chris.
  23. Thanks Harry, I held the kids off until they were able to have some swimming skills, looks like they will be with me on a regular basis now. Family outings are the best mate and teaching your kids your knowledge is priceless. Chris.
  24. Took my family out for an afternoon fishing trip in the Hacking. First place we pulled up and anchored was Lilli Pilli where we had a late lunch/dinner. Wasn't long before the kids were all fired up to start fishing. They were pulling up plenty of snapper but no keepers amongst them all. Being late and the tide heading to low I headed upstream to a spot where I have done well in the past. It wasn't long until the kids started putting some keepers on ice for tomorrow's dinner and a nice full plate of sushimi. All fish were caught fishing in a berley trail using cubed pilchards.
  25. Great morning on the port Dave, well earned bag. Fish should be coming on strong know with the warmer water Chris.
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