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Posts posted by rjc123

  1. Keep it simple.

    Structure is very important. Especially considering your landbased. Things like bridge pylons, deep rockwalls and jetties are what you should focus on landbased. If you match structure, to a decent hole/drop off with plenty of bait then you're in with a great shot.

    Fish your bait on the bottom and keep your rig simple. A simple running ball sinker to a swivel, then a meter of trace to the hook is the most common. I've also had success on just a running ball sinker straight to the hook..

    Livebaits are the best option, especially if you want to avoid pickers.

    Cheers, Tom

  2. Yeah I had a similar thing happen the other night. Had a couple of big yakkas smashed in half. Assumed they were big tailor. Jewies will always take a livie down head first. So rig through the nose or in the shoulders of the fish. Flatties i have found they'll hit livebaits both head first and tail first. Kings and salmon are normally head first too.

    Cheers, Tom

  3. .........Either way, a bit of excitement. I know of another Meter barra from south of there last summer. The bloke who caught it kept it quiet.......

    Now THAT would be very interesting if you could get HIS story added to this thread (no need to identify himself as such), but pics of the fish would be good!! So he 'hooked, played & landed' one - he didn't find it floating somewhere?

    ......'South of here'...... So south of SYDNEY? I'd heard of the ones they reckon Bhuddists had thrown into the harbour, that they'd bought as live fish from Chinese Restaurants ....... his capture puts it into a whole new light!!

    Absolutely - it could very well be that the water IS warming up & they can migrate down. There are plenty of salt water barra up the Qld coast & I don't suppose all of them head up river to spawn? Maybe the currents were all mucked up with all the weird weather that we've been having recently!

    No word on whether the fish was alive or dead yet tho (the Forster one!) Bit of a shock tho, eh??


    Yeah, on rod a reel. Don't have many details but it was just over a meter from memory. Don't have an exact location but in the vicinity of Newcastle. Never seen a pic but a friends mate caught it. Livebaiting.

    I reckon this time of year it's certainly possible for them to arrive down this way naturally, however, I don't think there'd be many coming down... You do get a few jacks down this way though. Winter would be a different story. There's no way they could survive in the cool water temps, unless they found a hot water outlet of some sort?

    Cheers, Tom

  4. Great catch mate! Can definitely understand how the fight would have been.. Hooked and landed a small king (66cm) on 3lb braid, 4lb leader and a 1-2kg bream stick! Landbased too. Yours looks like a much better fish though! I reckon the harder you go on them, the harder they go on you. So, providing there's not too much structure around, they are possible on light gear.

    Well done, Cracker kingy!

    Cheers, Tom

  5. Great vid Roberta!

    Haven't had a capsize yet (Haven't been out the heads yet) but on rough windy days on the harbour i've gone pretty close. I've found having a net in an upright position to be a real problem. It acts as a sail and completely stuffs up the steering and has nearly caused me to tip on more than one occassion. I'd only go outside on a really calm day in the PA. They aren't Ideal for offshore use if you ask me. Perfect for the estuary and bays (harbour). Wouldn't want to capsize while shark fishing off the yak that's for sure! Seen people sharking from their yaks around longy... Pretty brave if you ask me.. Was a really big white out there a few weeks ago! Around the time i saw them!

    Cheers, Tom

  6. Look for a few things on the sounder. Deeper holes, drop offs adjacent or near structure (ie; Off a rockwall) , Things like Wrecks, or big submerged rocks/boulders. Bridges are also a great starting point. In and around the pylons is best. Basically, find bait and structure (deep water is another factor) and you'll be in with a shot. You'll often be able to mark jewies on the sounder too. Depending on what your sounders like, You'll either find a blob or arch near the bottom. If its near structure, with bait around then chances are it's a jew.

    Get ready for the start of your jewfish obsession. They truly are an addictive fish!

    Hopefully you find out why sooner rather than later!

    Cheers, Tom

  7. New PA owners have to be VERY careful that their 'whizz bang' seat doesn't get knocked off, as it is designed to be removed so easily! One of my buddies had his pinched the other week when he went into a shop for some lunch! Came back & it was GORN! Broad daylight in a busy street!

    Look for some method of securing IT to the yak with some sort of locking system, too!

    ,,, I still keep a bike chain on it for good measure though. If someone really wanted it,,,,,,

    For sure - the dedicated thief will still get one, given the time & opportunity - but if you make it that little bit more difficult & he sees another yak nearby that ISN'T as secure as yours - they'll go for that one, for sure!

    The seats are pretty easy to remove! I never leave anything in or on the yak when its on the roof. Both because thieves can fairly easily take it, but that constant fear of something not being put in right and flying off the yak while your driving is enough to stop me from doing so. Just pack it all into the car...

  8. There is this one too - you just loop a wire (something with a loop at each end) thru the scuppers etc & then just leave the lock 'sitting on top' - it is a horizontal balance lock! If it is picked up, vibrated or interfered with, it gives a warning beep. If the movement continues, it goes off BIGTIME! I bought it to take to NZ with me - about $30. Bikers use it on the disc brake of their bikes.


    There is another looping thru locking one called a snake as well that other buddies have used, where you just keep pulling the cable thru until it is as tight as you want it, then lock it off.

    Hi Alan

    I was lucky & got my red one (cable & alarm that winds back onto itself) at a local tackle shop in a clearance sale! :D I have loaned it to buddies who were visiting with only normal tie downs.

    Just google ''Lock Alarm' 120 Decibel Cable Security Alarm" and it should give you some choices. Camping shops should have them too. I use similar to lock my Engel Fridge to something secure, too! They often go 'walkies' at night too.

    That one would do the job for sure! I guess i get a bit comfortable with the PA thinking that no one in there right mind would try and take it purely because its so heavy!! I still keep a bike chain on it for good measure though. If someone really wanted it, i guess they could take it relatively easily providing theres more than one person. Better to be safe then sorry i guess ;)

  9. Hey Tom,

    I havent used that weight Zing but I own two samaki's (a vamp in 4-8lb and a zing in 12-25lb) and love them both... I want a whole quiver of them

    How heavy are the zings? I mean like are they light in hand, but also do you reckon a 6-12lb would be heavy enough for LB Jew? Most will be schoolies but the areas i fish are know to produce a few very big fish (25kg+) from time to time...

    Cheers, Tom

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